High times

By Anonymous - 14/05/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, I got home from working overnight and let the 2 dogs out of their crates. The oldest one (almost 9 years-old) was acting weird. He was shaking and couldn't stand up, let alone sit. I thought something was incredibly wrong. Nope, he just had gotten hold of 10 of my "treats" when my SO wasn't looking. Dude was high all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 143
You deserved it 595

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Something IS incredibly wrong. Your dog isn’t high, he’s suffering from marijuana toxicity. It is neither fun nor entertaining that you’ve poisoned your dog. Take better care of where you put poisonous substances to avoid this.

I had dogs who got into my edibles once. Worst part was my son got into them too. He slept all afternoon and didn’t get up until the next morning. Everyone was fine; the worst part was fixing the damage, losing my gummies and finding a new hiding place. I suggest finding a better hiding place.


I had dogs who got into my edibles once. Worst part was my son got into them too. He slept all afternoon and didn’t get up until the next morning. Everyone was fine; the worst part was fixing the damage, losing my gummies and finding a new hiding place. I suggest finding a better hiding place.

Something IS incredibly wrong. Your dog isn’t high, he’s suffering from marijuana toxicity. It is neither fun nor entertaining that you’ve poisoned your dog. Take better care of where you put poisonous substances to avoid this.

you sound like a poisonous substance. it was clearly an accident, and I imagine OP feels guilty enough already to move their edible location. seriously, you sound like a dick.

tiptoppc 19

No, they are right. When I accidentally overdosed on delta, and I was miserable, vomiting and falling over. Scared the shit out of me. There is a point or toxicity that can cause seizures and death as thc impacts nervous systems. That dog was likely nowhere near the weight of a person and fat content and weight plays a roll in tolerance of certain intoxicants. I’m all for using edibles, but don’t put them anywhere near where suicidal midgets such as dogs, cats and toddlers can get them, or you can cause deaths. I use that term colloquially, but animals uldon’t understand that deep what they eat can kill them, neither can very young children. This is like if you left a box of high concentration chocolate on a counter and within reach of a dog. Consider these the be treated the same as painkillers. You NEED to keep these secure the same way. OP, at least use a lockable box or cabinet and I hope to god, if you decide er want to have kids, you learned your lesson. If kids get those, well parents here have gone to jail for that