Highly inappropriate

By thesockmancometh - 30/07/2009 15:21 - United States

Today, I told my therapist that I suspected my partner was unfaithful, but I don't think he believed me. "What, did you find a membership card to a sex club in his wallet or something?" he asked. When I got home, I looked in my partner's wallet. I found a membership card to a sex club. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 314
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which sex club was it? You should surprise him there. You're gonna get a lot of people saying it's your fault and you were a bad partner, but with cheating, that's not true at all. I'm sorry that had to happen. Get tested, get rid of him, and take all the assets. You can do better.

Jay9313 0

Second! And that really sucks, I don't see why other guys can't seem to just enjoy what they have, it's like they fell they're missing out on something greater, when really, they're pushing away the one the love.


I know my replies are going to MAGICALLY APPEAR once I post this, but ah well. Ahem, confronting him/getting to the bottom of it = asking about it.

oh_dear34 0

So fake. What kind of therapist doubts one of his/her patients like that? Only one that wants to have his license revoked.

Wow. I'm gunna have to agree with the "coincidence? I think not." person.

What the hell is a sex club? You don't need to join a "club" to get laid and, even if you did, I'm sure such a club wouldn't give out membership cards. Fake as hell.


Badboy6 5

lol he's gay there is no Gf or wife he said Partner

soccerdude101 0

hahahha if u separate the word therapist, it days The Rapist. hahah lmao

CarCrashZombieLo_fml 0

Sorry, there are bad professionals in any profession. just because their therapist is a therapist doesn't mean they are a good one, or one that still cares about their patients. as for the irony, it is a bit much, I didn't know they had membership cards anyway, I thought they had passwords. I always say though, there is a lot of irony in this world, and I bet it could be true for someone.