Highly inappropriate

By thesockmancometh - 30/07/2009 15:21 - United States

Today, I told my therapist that I suspected my partner was unfaithful, but I don't think he believed me. "What, did you find a membership card to a sex club in his wallet or something?" he asked. When I got home, I looked in my partner's wallet. I found a membership card to a sex club. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 314
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which sex club was it? You should surprise him there. You're gonna get a lot of people saying it's your fault and you were a bad partner, but with cheating, that's not true at all. I'm sorry that had to happen. Get tested, get rid of him, and take all the assets. You can do better.

Jay9313 0

Second! And that really sucks, I don't see why other guys can't seem to just enjoy what they have, it's like they fell they're missing out on something greater, when really, they're pushing away the one the love.


Sounds like the therapist belongs to the same club.

I hate it when people tell the women to take all the ******* assets, what if he ******* bought everything? Them she ***** him over for what? Cheating? Yeah it's bad but it shouldn't ruin his life. Feminist *****.

I'm sorry, but #17, what the hell are you smoking?!?!? Who said the woman should take everything through divorce. 1) The couple in question is gay (2 guys, thought I'd clear that up for ya); 2) There's no woman involved period; 3) No one said that. Not to say I don't agree with your logic, but this FML doesn't really deserve that comment. Just sayin'.

lmmmr 0

I don't know what is more sad, that you think losing his material possessions would "ruin his life" or that you think cheating on someone you love doesn't merit punishment. But either way, the fact that you didn't bother to read the full FML text to determine the gender of the OP and the fact that you used "feminist" as an insult only prove that you are a moron, and my sympathy is misplaced.

holli_fml 0

first of all, a therapist would never doubt your suspicions. they are there to help you, not make you feel stupid. and second of all, thats way to ironic to be true.

Exactly what I was thinking. A therapist would only ask you why you felt that way, not belittle you with such a sarcastic question. Sooo... I find this FML a little hard to believe.

that means nothing hunn, he could be wanting to take you to a therapist with him hun

romeovilleanyone 0


Maybe try a girl next time and your problems will be solved.

Yeah, because girls NEVER cheat on you.

Yeah, because girls NEVER cheat on you.

maybe the therapist was part of the same sex club too and that's why he knew...! lol

stupiidx3 0

FYL. why cheat? if you're not happy with the person you are currently with then break up with them. if you love the person you're with you dont go cheating on them because that will hurt them. and if you want both then you can go to hell. people who cheats needs to go die

haha hilarious. you should make a fake card and switch the two out so he cant get in to the club!