Highly inappropriate

By thesockmancometh - 30/07/2009 15:21 - United States

Today, I told my therapist that I suspected my partner was unfaithful, but I don't think he believed me. "What, did you find a membership card to a sex club in his wallet or something?" he asked. When I got home, I looked in my partner's wallet. I found a membership card to a sex club. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 314
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Which sex club was it? You should surprise him there. You're gonna get a lot of people saying it's your fault and you were a bad partner, but with cheating, that's not true at all. I'm sorry that had to happen. Get tested, get rid of him, and take all the assets. You can do better.

Jay9313 0

Second! And that really sucks, I don't see why other guys can't seem to just enjoy what they have, it's like they fell they're missing out on something greater, when really, they're pushing away the one the love.


ColdSig 0

I thought that's what gay guys do...? Who wants to be in a monogamous relationship?

You're relying on the stereotype that gay men are promiscuous, which really isn't true

He knew because he saw your partner there last time he went :D

YDI for having to see a therapist ******* phyco bitch

I dunno, I think everyone can benefit from having a talk with a totally impartial party, so therapy's really not a bad thing for anyone. Especially if your ****'s so tiny you need to troll comment boards calling a therapist's clients "psycho bitches." :)

Your life sucks but I'm still voting YDI because I hate people digging in other people's privacy, be it their partner or not.

I would consider snooping to be acceptable if it's to find out someone is cheating on you...

helios_rex 0

There's nothing to imply he isn't bisexual, actually.

Maybe your therapist should become a psychic instead.

Fcukmywholelife 0

I agree the therapist should become a physic.

When I read this, I though the shrink and the partner belonged to the same club and the doctor was trying to tell the OP without it being awkward.

Fake. A therapist wouldn't say that. Not a professional one, anyway. Regardless, that's still way too coincidental for this to be true.

I don't get what is with the PC bullshit when you use the term "partner". Get married and call her your wife because I bet you have been dating her for 5+ years. Don't be so damn afraid of commitment.

Pay attention, they are both men. So your comment is irrelevant because I'm pretty sure gay marriage is illegal in Texas.