By Aleial - 19/11/2011 08:20 - United States

By Aleial - 19/11/2011 08:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/09/2020 05:02
By Alexandra - 05/03/2013 20:17 - United States - Gaithersburg
By thirdwheel - 15/02/2010 18:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/12/2020 22:02 - United Kingdom
By And you think I'M crazy? - 22/04/2013 05:06 - United States
By sideGirl - 26/09/2020 10:01 - United States - Lancaster
By Anonymous - 01/06/2019 20:01
By Anonymous - 07/01/2012 06:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/08/2017 16:00
By Anonymous - 17/08/2019 00:01
You can't spell 'therapist' without 'the rapist'.
What an odd meeting place.. Are the sessions working for your boyfriend? Your friend's teachings seem unorthodox.
Looks like your best friend is the-rapist!
Wow, your bestfriend's a therapist and her office is a truck, does she give your boyfriend a discount?
Brilliant observation, 81.
^^^ she needs therapy
I know it's implied but it doesn't actually say they were having sex she could have just got the wrong end of the stick
She means ex-boyfriend right?
yeah he only has to pay the tip ;)
Dump that bitch
Which one?
Dump bitches, not trucks.
Johnny doesn't know, johnny's gotta know ):
125- You just surpassed John Edwards as the biggest dousche in the universe...
ahh 125 i.. *turns and walks away*
Time to smack a hoe
You dated him, you deserve it. Find a nice guy next time, they don't cheat
Most of the time, cheaters ARE the nice guys in the beginning, and then turn into assholes, soo gtfo.
How the **** do you know how he was in the first place? He could have been playing all nice to get to her bestfriend in the first place.
actually yeah hes more right. Every girl ive known dates those prep losers who have the same attitude like people from jersey shore. You just want to think their nice but are just as shallow.
Thank you 48. Truth is girls knowingly date jerks all the time while kicking the nice guys to the curb. And yet when they get screwed over by the jerk they want sympathy? Nope. They had their chance with a nice guy and they spat on it. They get what they deserve.
59 Ok, I would understand where you're coming from if she had a nice guy as a boyfriend, and she left him for the asshole then he cheated on her, yeah she deserves it.but that's most likely not the case here, I mean most guys who are jerks aren't just going to come out and say "hey I'm in asshole, be my gf so I could treat you like crap, and degrade you in the future".so no need to be so hard on her.
So what I'm getting here 5, is that you know this guy? Cause you seem to know his personality exactly. Yeah no I doubt it so get over yourself. OP never said "hey I went for the jerk and he cheated on me wahhh!" For all you know he could have been a nice guy. I know enough nice guys that have cheated on their girl. I was cheated on by a pretty guy who's never had another girlfriend. You don't always know a person.
69 Who said I was a nice guy? Think before you talk is the proper order of action, not assumptions
76 Nah I don't know him, just playing statistics. Statistically he was a jerk, and she either knew it before she dated him or soon after she started. I'm curious though, how many nice guys have you kicked to the curb? Karma can hurt
80-you can't make assumptions and tell her she deserves it. All types of people cheat. From the nice guy to the jerk. From the quiet shy girl to the outgoing girl. It all depends on someone's maturity level and respect for themselves and others. The brain is complex. No matter how much you love someone there will always be another person out there you are attracted to and/or have chemistry with. Some people are mature enough to realize that what they have with the person they are with is more important. And some people are not or they have a thing for self sabotaging their love life. One again-maturity. It sounds like you consider yourself the "nice guy" and have been either dumped all over by girls or passed up several times. Just because you have had a rough love life does not make this OP s fault and make her deserve it. You can only hope that the person you go in to a relationship loves and/or respects you enough that they will be honest with you. But there is no one type of person that cheats and you can never control what choices anybody makes but yourself. You seem to have some underlying anger issues that sound like they need to be addresses with a real therapist. That or just get over it. If not you will never have a successful relationship holding this grudge. To OP, I'm sorry for your boyfriend and bfs actions. I wish you better luck in the future.
Well, don't actually have sex with them both because that would be awesome for your boyfriend and it seems to me that your boyfriend doesn't deserve awesome things.
Well, is he feeling better?
A **** in a truck. That's a win.
Carve your name into his leather seats,
Slash a hole in all four tires!
Ooooh, maybe next time he'll think... Before he cheeeeaaaats.
Yeah, never do that again.
Yeah, I keep thinking "I hope he sued her for the damage to his truck." Cheating is scummy but so is vandalizing someone else's property.
Give him reason to get therapy for real. Perhaps physiotherapy...
Hahaha Scotland isn't known to house pretty people
Lol. Well written.
Lol. Low standards.
You need a new friend. And boyfriend. Sorry op.
Dig your keys into the side if his pretty little suped up 4 wheel drive,