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Hoarded in

By nola2005 - This FML is from back in 2019 but it's good stuff

Today, as my gaze went from the cobwebs hanging from my ceiling to the opened and unopened Amazon boxes in the corners of my house, I realized I'm on my way to being a hoarder. I'm too tired and depressed to do anything about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 696
You deserved it 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take care of one thing every day! As you get it cleaned up you will feel better because you accomplished something! You got this! I believe in you!!

You have obviously no clue about how depression works. You can chant all the positive mantras you want, but until you get to the core of the problem, it still remains. It may be emotional and it very well may be chemical. There may not be enough seratonin and/or norepinephrine in OP’s brain and she would benefit from an antidepressant that acts as an SSRI or Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor. Just my humble opinion.


you shouldnt let your tiredness or depression get in the way what you got to do are you gonaa let tiredness and depression. stop you from living and hold you down the answe should be NO

silvermoon5033 26

It can be more complicated than that. Some people need legitimate help like therapy or medication to combat depression. It almost can make it impossible to do anything. Yes, it does come down to choices, but it's much much more than "just don't let it hold you down".

You have obviously no clue about how depression works. You can chant all the positive mantras you want, but until you get to the core of the problem, it still remains. It may be emotional and it very well may be chemical. There may not be enough seratonin and/or norepinephrine in OP’s brain and she would benefit from an antidepressant that acts as an SSRI or Selective Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor. Just my humble opinion.

This this this. Stop telling people how they should feel. If it is actual depression, it's not something that can be logic'd out. That's not how that shit works. It's not logical. We know it's not logical. That doesn't stop it from happening. "Don't let it get you down" it's the same shit as telling you to "breathe" when you're feeling out in an argument with your s/o. Doesn't help. At all.

You, Felice, have obviously NEVER dealt with -or know any one who had- any type of mental illness! What a callus and insensitive thing to assume! That is exactly how that illness works for a lot of people! They can’t just ‘buck up & get over it’! Don’t you think, if they had that option, they would have done so already???

take care of one thing every day! As you get it cleaned up you will feel better because you accomplished something! You got this! I believe in you!!

Anonymus123 2

I have felt that for years now, just something you gotta live with, try to embrace it in order to become a better person and just keep moving on I feel you 😓

pick one thing each day and do it while refraining from undoing your previous days work. as you accomplish more, your mental state may begin to improve along with your physical health, giving you more energy. if all else fails, see a therapist. a lot of people don't like to think this, let alone say it, but we all need a professional to help us sometimes.

silvermoon5033 26

OP, I have suffered with depression and several health issues that make things seem impossible. There is nothing wrong with seeking help-either from talking to a therapist or seeking medical help. Some conditions like depressive bipolar or even thyroid issues can be the underlying cause of depression/tiredness. Seek help and don't give up! You have the support of at least this random person from the internet (and probably many more)!

Sonotsuave 35

I’ve definitely been there. I’m sorry for what you’re going through and unfortunately the world demands a lot out of us to make us tired and sometimes feeling down. However what I always tell myself is I have to try my hardest to be as productive as possible. It may seem overwhelming now, but if you make a schedule and break it down little by little, it’ll get done and you’ll feel better being clutter free.

pins91 27

This sounds like a cry for help, not necessarily a **** my life.

Alup132 22

I mean if you’re too depressed to clean your life, FML sounds fair...

OP, try to work on something (same or different) for 10 mins every hour. More often than not, once you get through that first minute or two (the hardest of all), you'll find yourself wanting to continue past said 10 mins until your selected chore is done (or at least significantly well along if you choose to stop either by choice eg, favorite tv show or it's dinnertime, due to a logistical problem, or due to something else beyond your control eg, sorting through all of your dirty laundry, but not taking it to the laundromat until another day). It also helps if you play music while doing chores to positively occupy your mind! :-) I have the sames issues with clinical depression, procrastinating, and then chastising myself for not getting anything done. The most self-defeating word in the English language is "should." It conveys guilt if you don't effect some action that you've (or somebody else) has decided that "should" be carried out. Instead, tell yourself that it's in your own best interests to execute said unpleasant/ undesirable task, but also that you "could" do said Task "A" at that moment or at a later time if you've instead told yourself that you've decided not to do that task, but instead Task "B." Also, you ought/ need (NOT "should") to see a psychiatrist (or qualified nurse practitioner) to determine whether or not you're serotonin-deficient and thus in need of an anti-depressant medication. My mom & I have taken those on a daily basis for our entire adult lives and they have worked well. It's no different than needing to take any other type of medicine for your entire life. However, via the practical approaches of mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT; among other types of BT) along with a psychologist - which are all good strategies nonetheless for everybody on the planet- depressed or not, you may find that you no longer need an anti-depressant after 6 months or a year at long as you continue to implement whichever BT strategies work well for you. Good luck, OP! :-)

ocdeane 4

There's a show on YouTube called obsessive compulsive cleaners - I always use it as a motivation and sometimes there are useful hints.