Honest mistake

By YahItsMe94 - 25/06/2009 07:20 - United States

Today, was my first day back at work since my wife got breast cancer. I come in and see some people with pink slips and frowns. When I get to my desk I find a pink slip, I go up to my boss and start to curse him out for firing me. Only to find out my pink slip was a fundraiser for my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 858
You deserved it 61 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry about your wife. But you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. YDI.

jg600 0

You shouldn't curse your boss out like that even if he did fire you. You lose any recommendation he could give you.


I would NOT even worry about it. You're struggling through a lot, I'm sure he'd understand you being on edge, especially about something like that.

Megasadface 0

Everyone flaming this guy should cut him some ******* slack. His wife has breast cancer for ***** sake, of course he'd be a little on edge and short tempered. While his quick reaction was definitely unnecessary, I'm sure his boss was understanding and forgiving of it, given the situation.

atleast he cared enough to do that for you and your wife

Why wouldn't you read the slip first? =/ Sorry to hear about your wife.

lovesucksxxx 0
wikifoo 0

sorry about your wife BUT NOW you deserve a real pink slip for being a jerk .

Bhudda 0

Hmmm pink slips+coworkers with frowns=______ what would be the first think you would think of?

Bhudda 0

By the way, sorry about your wife. :( hope she makes it out well :)

godyourethick 0

I'm not sure how true this is: you'd think that the boss would be cleverer than to give you a pink slip when so many others had them and he knew what had happened to your wife, and if he did, that he'd explain it quickly to you before you could get worried.

why would you yell at someone for something you assumed was on a piece of paper you hadn't read?