Honest mistake

By YahItsMe94 - 25/06/2009 07:20 - United States

Today, was my first day back at work since my wife got breast cancer. I come in and see some people with pink slips and frowns. When I get to my desk I find a pink slip, I go up to my boss and start to curse him out for firing me. Only to find out my pink slip was a fundraiser for my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 858
You deserved it 61 939

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry about your wife. But you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. YDI.

jg600 0

You shouldn't curse your boss out like that even if he did fire you. You lose any recommendation he could give you.


mister_moops 0

why does the op's name have 94 at the end

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

you would seriously cuss out your boss for firing you? in a normal case, that would be unacceptable. but, guys; his wife has breast cancer! he's probably insanely stressed, and when you're stressed, anything could put you over the edge. and cancer treatment isn't free, and not everything is covered by insurance, so losing a job in a situation like that would be awful.

at least they cared. Sorry about your wife, that's rough. =[

lastminuteperm 0

proceed with caution. always proceed with caution. I'm really sorry about your wife though. Hopefully your boss will understand how much stress you're under and overlook your tantrum.

YDI. sorry about your wife... But why didn't you actually read what it said first before throwing a fit?

You deserve it. Yes, I know "pink slip" is the standard euphemism for firing, but you could have READ it before cursing at your boss about it.

well, your boss should have thought about how to go about supporting someone in another way rather than using an internationally hated symbol.

you think you would be more aware about what the color/symbol is for breast cancer awareness...

der_Jabberwhock 0

Read first, then curse. If applicable anyway. Retard.