Honest mistake

By YahItsMe94 - 25/06/2009 07:20 - United States

Today, was my first day back at work since my wife got breast cancer. I come in and see some people with pink slips and frowns. When I get to my desk I find a pink slip, I go up to my boss and start to curse him out for firing me. Only to find out my pink slip was a fundraiser for my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 858
You deserved it 61 942

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry about your wife. But you shouldn't jump to conclusions like that. YDI.

jg600 0

You shouldn't curse your boss out like that even if he did fire you. You lose any recommendation he could give you.


Way to jump to conclusions... but hopefully your boss was kind enough to remember how stressed you were about your wife and excused you for it.

too bad for your wife- to have breast cancer AND a jerk for a husband. I've heard that stress can make you more suseptible to cancer. have you yelled at her much? I am guessing yes. plus, people with anger issues tend to get heart attacks more often. maybe it's time you went in for a checkup. in all seriousness though, I hope she is cured soon.

caticaticati 3

As I said to another poster, perhaps the OP was stressed out because he recently found out his wife has cancer. I know lots of people that tend to snap at others or overreact when they're stressed.

UsingLogic 0

What are you, some kind of telepath who took a 1000 Intro Psyc course in college? The guy tells you about ONE TIME he lost his nerves and you already label him a freak with anger management issues. Maybe he got pissed at his boss because his wife's cancer is already bringing him down and thinking he got fired on top of that just made him snap. And he only cursed his boss, it's not even like he got violent. Cursing can range from calling his boss "insensitive" to an "asshole". You think he should had opened the pink slip first? If you knew anything about psychology you wouldn't say that. In fact you would not even be surprised that he did not think about it. It's normal to be stressed when a close family member has a serious problem, whoever told you about stress did not tell you this? Makes me wonder where you get your knowledge from. Wikipedia? And I bet if he had not been stressed my his wife's cancer you would had accused him of not loving his wife. Poor guy has to deal with a serious problem that makes him stressed and nervous and he has to listen to people like you calling him an abusive husband and accusing him of being the cause of his wife's cancer. I hope he did not read or has managed to get over the stuff you vomited here. There's no telling how this may affect him depending on how bad he feels already. Not only that, but assuming you are right and he was really an abusive husband then he would probably be pissed at what you wrote and he would take on his wife. Makes me wonder if you really care about his wife that much. I hope you get banned, that will teach you to think twice before writing something that could cause harm to somebody. At the very least, your comment should be removed to make sure OP won't read it and won't feel worse because of you.

Hey, I agree with you, but Wikipedia is a veritable source of information.

Topguy 0

hope it boss was alrite with that I'm sure you were very emotional

stringoffail 0

Who the hell actually gets fired with an actual pink slip of paper anymore? I see a pink slip of paper on my desk, my first thought isn't "I'm fired", and even if it was, my second thought would be to read it. If this FML is indeed true, you're kind of lame and YDI.

rbueller77 0

FML i would have probably done the same thing, and most people probably would too. Plus, your under a lot of stress. Hopefully your boss understood, and didn't actually fire you.

Did you bother reading the note first? Or were the two notes on identical paper or something? If not, you're kind of an ass for overreacting. Sorry to hear about your wife though.

eric_p 0

you're a ******* asshole, that's why people don't bother doing nice shit, because of fuckfaces like you

sugarmag 0

Give this guy a break, he was probably really stressed out, and the last thing he want right now is to get fired. Sorry to hear that about your wife, god bless