Horny bonk

By debodave - 22/07/2009 20:06 - Germany

Today, I phoned one of the IT guys upstairs for help with my PC. He said it would only take a few minutes; and would just fix it through a direct connection from his computer to mine. Hours later, I was feeling horny, and quickly checked out an adult website. Mr IT Guy was still connected. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 200
You deserved it 69 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rob8625 0

You are really stupid to look at **** at work


lcsun69 0

Ydi for using the word 'devilish'.

What the hell is the point of looking at **** at work? You can't "finish the job" so to speak. It doesn't make sense to me.

aaaaa12345_fml 0

"I was feeling devilish, and quickly checked out an adult website"

Westy543 0

I've never seen so much idiocy in the comments. @OP: YDI for going there, though.

@30 - at WORK? "i phoned one of the IT guys upstairs" seems to indicate this happened in an office setting. in which case OP had no business checking out an adult website at ALL. not to mention the fact that IT would've seen that even if they didn't have someone remotely accessing his PC - they can log where the bandwidth goes and what sites you pull up. OP, YDI for being a dumbass and looking at **** at work.

amaneylandx3 0

fuckinh pedo. it's people like who make the world wrong....

How on earth did you get pedophilia from this post? Next time you feel like you want to comment, take a couple of minutes to read through the entire FML and your entire comment and ask yourself "Is this comment going to make me look like a complete jackass?" If the answer is yes, then DON'T POST.

OP would only be considered a pedo if he was looking at kiddy ****. He said he was looking at an adult site. Still, don't do that on company time...

It seems 30002 women thinks he deserved it.