Hot Mess

By bigmikenyc - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you leave a can of soda in parked car during a heatwave, it will explode all over everything. My car is like a human glue trap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 368
You deserved it 29 223

Top comments

So now you can either choose between driving with the windows closed during a heatwave and die of the heat, or drive with the windows open and attract all sort of insects :D Of course you'd have to sit in the 'human glue trap' at each of the options. Have fun :D

Raleigh_bruh 7

Dude, I mean no disrespect; but before I clicked on your pic I seriously thought it was a picture of Edward Cullen with an actual skin tone. :|


fringle 0

LOL that happened to my dad a few years ago.

ya right.... mined didn't exploded during the heatwave 110F

your life does suck but honestly I feel that could have been avoided with common sense I mean soda pressure sealed carbonated bubbles and heat not a good combination the heat was of course going to cause a pressure build up and cause it to explode. anyway you live and learn so here is more advice extreamly cold tempretures do. the same thing so don't keep in the freezer too long either

pwned! and YDI for leaving garbage in ur car

It wasn't garbage; it was still unopened.

smileyxoxo72 1

try having a twelve pack in there.

phishlips 0

Don't feel too bad, people do it with children or animals. Sure, you got a mess to clean and learned something, but at least you can sleep at night.

slightlyconfused 0