Hot Mess

By bigmikenyc - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you leave a can of soda in parked car during a heatwave, it will explode all over everything. My car is like a human glue trap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 368
You deserved it 29 223

Top comments

So now you can either choose between driving with the windows closed during a heatwave and die of the heat, or drive with the windows open and attract all sort of insects :D Of course you'd have to sit in the 'human glue trap' at each of the options. Have fun :D

Raleigh_bruh 7

Dude, I mean no disrespect; but before I clicked on your pic I seriously thought it was a picture of Edward Cullen with an actual skin tone. :|


Where did the FML about the betta fish go?

Hi everyone. I have committed myself to waging war agains FML's massive overusage and misusage of the words "realized," "noticed," "discovered," and "learned." Here are some synonyms you can use instead: Detected, discerned, distinguished, picked up on, recognized, saw, spotted, observed, became concious of, comprehended, grasped, knew, took in, understood, attained, ascertained, came across, contrived, determined, disclosed, identified, perceived, revealed, and unearthed. Please, bring linguistic diversity to FML.

Awesome. It does seem that a vast majority of people submitting on here discovered and realized things. I personally dislike the 'and did I mention ?' No you didn't mention, yes you do know that you didn't mention, and no, it doesn't make it any more pitiful or FML worthy to add.

I've never really had a big problem with "did I mention." The thing that really gets to me is the misuse of the word "noticed."

Looks like you're in a sticky situation. 


lvngdedgrl 0

dang same thing happened to me on Monday. scared the shit outta me!!!

No need to be snippy. Being beautiful doesn't give you a pass on being mean. :)

Hannalea_fml 0

That sucks... I once found a gator egg and I put it my bedroom cuz it looked cool and it exploded... Nasty baby egg remains all over my room :/

Hannalea_fml 0

Ha you comment on all of MY comments!! And ew... It was horrible. and is smelled horrible... Egg gunk all over my pillow and xbox! D:

ghadir 2

omg! wow im happy i read this cuz i have a can of soda in my car and its reallyyyy hot where i'm from right now haha thanks!

MissZoe62 4

@64 anthropomorphism is suggesting human characteristics for animals or inatimate things... so its correct.

OMG that happened to me with coke XD no joke