Hot Mess

By bigmikenyc - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you leave a can of soda in parked car during a heatwave, it will explode all over everything. My car is like a human glue trap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 368
You deserved it 29 223

Top comments

So now you can either choose between driving with the windows closed during a heatwave and die of the heat, or drive with the windows open and attract all sort of insects :D Of course you'd have to sit in the 'human glue trap' at each of the options. Have fun :D

Raleigh_bruh 7

Dude, I mean no disrespect; but before I clicked on your pic I seriously thought it was a picture of Edward Cullen with an actual skin tone. :|


I'm sure that's going to be fun to clean up. I would just get the car detailed.

islandjew247 0

Wow mr./ms. obvious!! What did you THINK was going to happen??! ♥

DudeImWayBetter 0

and people complain about 80 degrees in their houses. I play video games upstairs when it's 90 degrees in jeans, until I notice I have jeans on and I switch to shorts.

OhWowFYLindeed 0

Sweet! But who leaves a can of soda in a car?

#1 - Your eyebrow uneveness is bugging me lol.

plutosaplanet 0

i had a 12 pack of soda in my car i hadnt brought into the house yet. i would take sodas out of it everyday for work. last week i went to open one and it exploded in my hand. it doesnt always happen, it can happen and when it does happen it can cut you and scare you half to death. oops!

YDI for drinking soda. Jk but that sucks.

#18 and #22 OP didn't say he left it in there on purpose, or even thought about it and then decided to leave it in his car regardless. for all we know, he could have forgotten about it on the backseat..

WOW. OP, IS STUPID. Think 'bout what he said, "My car is like a human glue trap. " -.- His CAR is like a HUMAN glue trap ? really ?no. Cars can't be human.


One time at work i put a 2L diet pop under a heating lamp to get it hot. When it was hot I took it outside and threw it down onto the parking lot capside down. It rocketed across the 4 lane street. It was awesome!

uh #55 i think you'll find it's you who's the stupid one :)

wow 55 just wow but that really sucks OP

Haha, yeah 55, I have to agree with BassFace.

Raleigh_bruh 7

#58 - I agree. :] #55, it's called personification. Just in case you were wondering. :P Edit: Or anthropomorphism.. Either way, it's one of those.

35 what are you talking about. they aren't uneven you can't even see the other one.

no 72, both are correct. They mean the same thing.

Raleigh_bruh 7

Aha, yah I thought either would work. Thanks for clarifying.

how on earth do you know the can was in view!? could he not have forgotten it was there!? I've often left bottles of water in the back of my car completely forgetting their there as they have rolled under the car seat

I can see how you forgot about your soda. It's just like when people forget about their babies in the backseat. You should leave something important in the backseat, like your phone, so you don't leave behind your baby.

90, ohh. Damn, now I feel stupid. D: kaybye.

fake! we once left a whole 24 pack o pepsi in my car and it exploded but was not a "human glue trap"

all I said was I don't think this is real bcuz it happened to me with a 24 pack and it wasn't a "human glue trap" and i got moderated.

lol 107.. yeah op, maybe it was the soda's first time

LoginUnknown 0

So what you're saying is he's trying to trap human glue??

@35, I actually enjoy her eyebrow unevenness. Could be because she's kinda hot, but i alway enjoy a girl who doesn't shape her eyebrows into a shocked expression.

op that's horrible.. next time have it in the shade? or chug that can down. 93.. I love your random facts keep em comin

u can jus say to ur friends u had a crazy time with some hott chic in the car

#55 YOU are the one who is stupid to not be able to comprehend simple English.

#64 there are smart black people? also, op: youre a moron. what else was gonna happen?

35- I gots a scar there :P it bugs me too 

ruby29 0


Raleigh_bruh 7

#136 - Yah, I'm pretty sure there are. But if you were referring to me, I'm not black.

Chrisskiies 0

Is that what were going with now Raleigh? lol


Indeed there are 136. I work with some engineers and developers who are black. Black Nerds FTW!

#18 it's captain obvious. yea he totally forgot it in there on purpose to see what was gonna happen. and I'm Sargent SARCASM. obviously he never remembered about it. and I think he knew that was gonna happen. OP IS SAYING: Oh shyt. I FORGOT that this can of soda was in here. Damn it... it exploded and now my car is like a human glue trap. look at the mess. now I have to clean it up. FML

Chrisskiies 0

Raleigh you're blacker than black dont confuse the kids lmao jk


That happened to me, but it was my nephew's chocolate milk.

rawrbrains 0

55 I think hr means a glue trap for hymans

tweetbaby14 18

my mom did this same thing to my car that she's borrowing :(. I had to clean it.

Who the **** cares what you wear in the heat.

Were u upset when the Jonas brother got married?

GabeGetsYouHigh 0

duhh, everyone knows that, they did it on mythbusters

ydi for having a car and leaving it the drink in there! I mean WTF did you thunk was gonna happen?

Let's see: You're old enough to own a car but you didn't know that a coke would explode in it? YDI for being an idiot.

i didn't know this kind of thing can happen...why would someone automatically know this?

cptmorgan15 2

If you leave a can in heat, pressure will build up inside and cause it to blow. It's assumed everyone knows this because it is common sense. Dumbass.

rockyraccoon28 8

even if OP had known that the can would explode, that doesn't mean they knew the can was in their car.

hey 82- you can't go around calling people dumbasses just because it's you know because you're sad it happened to you also

Hannalea_fml 0

Ha iicaptain!!! :O Im beautiful ;] Wheres my damn mirror?! :P

Hannalea_fml 0

Ehhh, i can deal with that. And i love her! ;D

YDI for having no common sense. Besides, were you planning on drinking piping-hot soda?

it happens when a can of soda freezes in your car... it expands... and before you know it, everything is mega sticky! it's like a giant mouse trap o.O

So now you can either choose between driving with the windows closed during a heatwave and die of the heat, or drive with the windows open and attract all sort of insects :D Of course you'd have to sit in the 'human glue trap' at each of the options. Have fun :D

DudeImWayBetter 0

9 how could you forget about the air conditioning in cars that's obviously the best way to go and almost every car has one unless it's broken or you got an Elise.

Hmm.. yeah, guess I forgot since my mom's car doesn't have it. I'm used to driving with the windows open.

haha ya probably not the smartest idea :P