Hot Mess

By bigmikenyc - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you leave a can of soda in parked car during a heatwave, it will explode all over everything. My car is like a human glue trap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 368
You deserved it 29 223

Top comments

So now you can either choose between driving with the windows closed during a heatwave and die of the heat, or drive with the windows open and attract all sort of insects :D Of course you'd have to sit in the 'human glue trap' at each of the options. Have fun :D

Raleigh_bruh 7

Dude, I mean no disrespect; but before I clicked on your pic I seriously thought it was a picture of Edward Cullen with an actual skin tone. :|


GogoTheGreat 12

I found that the total opposite works as well. I left a can of soda in the car overnight in -35 degree weather and the thing exploded. Car smelled like root beer for weeks!

Dude not only a human, but a glue trap for any bug that gets in your car!

krapcissaruj 13

Sounds like a job for Bill Nye.

Annies 17

Hot take: op isn’t an idiot. Maybe they thought it had to be oven-hot for the bottle to explode?

you actually should’ve been BORN knowing not to do that. what the ****?