Hot Mess

By bigmikenyc - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that if you leave a can of soda in parked car during a heatwave, it will explode all over everything. My car is like a human glue trap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 368
You deserved it 29 223

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So now you can either choose between driving with the windows closed during a heatwave and die of the heat, or drive with the windows open and attract all sort of insects :D Of course you'd have to sit in the 'human glue trap' at each of the options. Have fun :D

Raleigh_bruh 7

Dude, I mean no disrespect; but before I clicked on your pic I seriously thought it was a picture of Edward Cullen with an actual skin tone. :|


spd2fst4u 5

lol, what did you expect? it's a pressurized can... I don't leave anything like that in my car... lol. ydi!

I had the same problem with one of the bfc monsters. it cost over $30 to get it detailed. it was really bad

You didn't realize it you witnessed it! And please how stupid can you get. If you left the soda there by accident, ok bad luck, but you are saying you didn't know it would explode in heat? Soda cans used to explode in cabinets back in the day just like that! Now they changed everything so they can't just explode by themselfs but if they explode by just shaking them you should understand exposing soda cans to extreme heat wouldn't be such a good idea! Logical thinking, you should do it more often. exploded??..i wanna try doing that now..

Hannalea_fml 0
iknowimawesome 13

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jesstriplet 0

umm... no shit... anyone with common sense should know that will happen. idiot

Alexis31609 9

Yeah, my mom found out that way too haha.