How ironic

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I'd gathered enough solid evidence to justify dumping my cheating girlfriend. When I turned up, she broke up with me before I had a chance to confront her. Why? Apparently I have trust issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 773
You deserved it 8 540

Top comments

alex_vik 0

Well when you're cheating on someone, of course they're gonna have trust issues.

Did you at least get to tell her you knew she was cheating?...


dancing_bear 0

Well, maybe you do have trust issues. And maybe she was actually cheating. Point is, you wanted to break up and you broke up. So what's the problem?

Depends on whether she was actually cheating or not. If she was actually cheating, then FYL big time, man; I hope you find an awesome chick next time around. If, however, you really are just a paranoid guy who thinks that seeing her hug another member of the male species is a good enough reason to start snooping around her whole life for 'proof' and then seeing this 'proof' everywhere you look, then YDI 100%. I've known many people on all sides of this issue - the rampant cheaters, the paranoid pricks, and the people suffering from both/either. It sucks up one way and down another, so either way, at least one of you is free from a fucktard at this point - either you're free from her thinly veiled bitchery, or she's free from your psychotic jealousy. Better luck next time, pal.

This breaking news just in... you DON'T need 'evidence' to break up with someone!! Go on with your life, though it won't be much of a life... Buy lotion and tissue by the case - you're gonna need it.

ghostgirll 0

instead of 'gathering evidence' you should have just confronted her. if you think by not having a direct upfront answer you will be spared the pain, you're wrong. you're actually just hurting yourself more by snooping around and gathering so-called evidence than if you just went up to her face and asked her, "are you cheating on me"

is wayne brady gunna have to choke a bitch?

Why is this an FML moment? You got what you wanted, didn't you?

wow this sounds very similar to what happened to me a few weeks ago

awww man...I'm sorry. I can definitely identify. My man cheated on me too, and later told me that he cheated because I was already so mistrusting that it barely mattered anyway. I was mistrusting because of evidence I'd found that pointed to him cheating.

NightGod 0

This is the part I never understand-unless you're married and are worried about custody or spousal support, why do people feel the need to collect some big pile of evidence to break up with someone they're sure is cheating on them? Tell them you want them out of your life and move on.