How ironic

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I'd gathered enough solid evidence to justify dumping my cheating girlfriend. When I turned up, she broke up with me before I had a chance to confront her. Why? Apparently I have trust issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 773
You deserved it 8 540

Top comments

alex_vik 0

Well when you're cheating on someone, of course they're gonna have trust issues.

Did you at least get to tell her you knew she was cheating?...


cheerrunxc14 0

Wowww FYL for sureee:/ ha sorry

um thats not bad. u were gonna dump her anyway so its not like it matters.

happygoluckyhh 0

You all are assuming she really did cheat. Perhaps she just got tired of the OP snooping around in her life and dumped him because of his obvious trust issues??

You Fy own L over. Seriously.. Plus, what does it matter? If I were her, I wouldn't want to be with someone who spent their time trying to justify breaking up with me? Hmm...

How is this an FML. You wanted the relationship to be over and now it is.

I fail to see the problem. Who cares what a cheating ***** thinks about you?

Who cares who dumped who. At least you're done with her pathetic cheating ass

this isnt an FML this is a "IMMM FREEE" moment : D

MrBadLuck 0

I don't get it. You were going to break up with her anyhow.