How ironic

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - New Zealand

Today, I'd gathered enough solid evidence to justify dumping my cheating girlfriend. When I turned up, she broke up with me before I had a chance to confront her. Why? Apparently I have trust issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 773
You deserved it 8 540

Top comments

alex_vik 0

Well when you're cheating on someone, of course they're gonna have trust issues.

Did you at least get to tell her you knew she was cheating?...


Yeah because people /totally/ deserve to be cheated on. If your SO was really so jealous that it bothered you, you could just BREAK UP WITH THEM and not be an asshole. But no, you want to **** anyone you want, and yet still have that one stable pole that you can lean on at any other time. You disgust me. Go fall off a cliff. Or walk in front of a bus. Something.

rallets 22

this guy wins..forever seriously, shut down the site. you cant beat that

Um, you DO have trust issues. The issue is she is cheating... and the circle winds tighter. Where's the problem? It's over, you just wanted to be the one to end it? It's not like getting fired vs. laid off.. Where it's on your resume. What does it really matter unless you only date in the same circle of people and are worried about your reputation?

**** her boyfriend and laugh at her and say 'How does it feel to be cheated on?'

pippysthename00 0

I don't see how this should be a FML... So what? You wanted to break up with her, she just ended up dumping you. Who cares?

We don't know what the evidence was. Maybe it was a picture or an email. Needless to say that I had a similar experience when an ex when she was talking to a "friend" a lot and would completely emotionally shut down from me. Did I need concrete proof? Not really since the writing was on teh wall but I did get it from an email she had sent to this "friend" about wanting to give more of herself to this "friend" and also a love poem with some weird wordage in there that pointed to it. Did she really cheat on me? I'll never know but I'll be damned if I stay in a relationship where my SO can't see what they are creating and don't take responsibility for their actions. The OP didn't get the closure that he wanted. He wanted to have an all out feud with his ex and say everything he had to say. The "trust issue" crap is a moot point. One of my exes used that against me because I saw boobies at Mardi Gras. Nevermind the fact she was sleeping with 2 other guys while I was on that trip. Screw the OPs ex and the people saying he deserved it.

Urgh, I have trust issues aswell. Mainly because my girlfriend cheated on her last boyfriend to be with me. It's what you get I guess XD Anyway, I'll get there first.

I question the "solid evidence" you had, and you can't argue with her logic. I was in a relationship where I was constantly accused of cheating, so I'm going to say that you were paranoid until you actually confront her about it.

"Your jealousy CAUSED her to cheat. YDI!" #11 you on ******* crack or something? Pass me some of that shit...

I suspect she's been dumped for cheating enough that she knows the signs when somebody's about to bail. She just preemptively dumped you.

MSJ91 1

I don't see why you're complaining; it's over. Now you've got the chance to find someone that suits you better.

Herbal_fml 0

Why is this a FML? First you wanted to break up with your girlfriend, and she did it for you. Hurray! Celebration. Then it's for trust issues, which you obviously have, so it's a solid break up. Hurray! Celebration. So why is your life ******?