I can feel it coming in the air tonight

By cargaljen - 07/08/2011 05:29 - United States

Today, while watching TV at my mother's house, a tornado warning came across the screen. After being in the dark, nasty basement for half an hour, my mom realized she was watching a recorded show, and that tornado warning was for 2 weeks ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 239
You deserved it 5 059

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well that's a minor fail. At least you had family bonding time :)

You're probably lucky you didn't get hit by a tornado 2 weeks ago


bigAC 6

i guess you're still in Kansas then

half an hour? that's not long. you weren't stuck for hours or days. watch Blast from Past, you will feel better:D

FHL and FYL for being stupid. Also, look out the window. You'd probably be able to see if a storm was coming up.

duckman9 55

you've never heard of the quiet before the storm? maybe over there its the sunshine & nice whether before the storm. they were just extremely cautious, eventually a storm will come, in a couple of years, and who's gonna be laughing then?

Madiluvsyuh98 2

But it's sunny outside. Oh well, guess I'm dumb as shit. To the basement!

It took her half an hour to realize? Half an hour where she was doing nothing but sitting around in a dark nasty basement?