I can't help it!

By ssssssssuck a dick, boss - 18/08/2013 17:29 - United States - Kalispell

Today, my manager took me aside and angrily told me to quit fucking about with our customers. He totally refuses to believe that the slight whistling sound I keep making when I exhale is because I have a chipped tooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 584
You deserved it 3 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

So many douchebag/stupid boss-related FML's lately... how do those kind of people even get that position?

Maybe you could tell him you're just trying to make the best of things? You know...whistling while you work? I'm sorry I immediately thought of the old Disney movie "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" when I read this post.


This is so funny!!! Hahah! Poor thing!!

What if his nose is plugged, although I'm not sure but can't you just breath a different way with your mouth or is it air that just passes through the chipped tooth causing the sound?

Ducreaux 7

Has he never seen the King and I??? Whistle a Happy Tuneeee

incoherentrmblr 21

God forbid you become a pornstar...

You could always act like you're a Minecraft creeper. 'That'ssssss a nice office you have, bossss.'

So quit being a mouth breather and breath through your nose. If I was your boss I would have told you the same thing.