I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack

By brokeandalone - 30/07/2013 05:09 - United States

Today, I noticed fraudulent charges made in Florida that nearly drained my bank account. After reporting the fraud to the bank, I returned home from a weekend away to find a note from my husband. He and his mistress have run off to Florida to start a life together, apparently at my expense. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 317
You deserved it 3 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That dickwaffle really deserves a punch in the face.

Chelsea_bella 20

Wow, that's not too smart of him.. He left a confession note to the crime and everything.


If you can prove infidelity you get more than 50/50 in the divorce. Keep that note!

justmeCee 16

Yes. And he will have to pay her alimony too...or if she is the bigger earner in the house she won't have to give him a dime because he's a cheater. Keep that note, Op, and make copies of it.

Use that note to get a divorce ruled in your favour.

Damn. For a second there I thought this was going to be the Identity Theif movie in real life. I guess you could still fly to Florida and kick his ass though.

I hope karma catches up quickly to that asshole of a **** husband

Gizmo4Evr 6

I been there OP. It may not feel like it, but he did you a favor. Tell him thanks, and wait a while. Money comes and goes, but crap people last forever. Breathe and move on.

if he was stupid enough to leave a note of admission you're definitely better off without him.

perdix 29

Well, it is a nice place to go. You could be the typical scorned woman and tell him to go to hell, or you could be a good sport and tell him to go to Lincoln Road in Miami Beach -- the people-watching alone is worth it.

Oh my God that is so horrible. I apologize for my gender.

This is why if I ever get married I'm keeping a separate bank account.

25- Ni, no, non, that is why if you ever get married, you'll wisely pick someone you love and trust, and treat them with respect and dignity. A lot of marriages that end badly, do so for reasons missing those things. Not that you can't have your own bank account mind you, just don't go into it Planning to save your skin When things go south. ;p

I have nothing against trust. Trust is fine I just like to have a backup plan for moments like this.

32- If you're having a lot if these Moments, perhaps you should be looking deeper into Why....? ;) (Yes I'm teasing you, I'm sure you're a fine person. Cheers!) ;)

Oh it's not that I've been having a lot of these moments it's just that they're becoming too common now.

RedPillSucks 31

By the way, it doesn't much matter if you have a separate bank account. In many states, a no-fault divorce means the spouse is legally entitled to half the marital assets (barring things like pre-nuptials, etc)