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By sammsamm56 - 16/01/2011 19:27 - United States

Today, I found out that my overprotective brother is going to move in with me when he gets out of jail. My chances of ever being in a relationship are now next to zero. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 414
You deserved it 4 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since when does your brother decide that your house is available for him? Isn't it the owner of the house who decides who moves in, hmm? Just say no.

You "found out"? Have you no say in who moves in with you?


Deabells 0
KingDingALing 9

Yeah, because saying "no" to a criminal is the smart thing to say... Unless he wants to get stabbed or shot then he better say yes...

if you have a choice in the matter, then stop your bitching and whining!! grow a pair and say NO! idiot....

so if ur chances r next to zero, it means you have one chance?

PuppiesFTW 5

tell him your boyfriend is gay..... keep the truth a secret though...┌∩┐(◕◡◕)┌∩┐

OP, find someone you don't like, tell your brother he's your boyfriend, an if all goes he will be moving straight back in with the cops.

inkdeath87 18

Didn't you read the part about him being in jail?

die, by my hand, I creep across the land, killing first born men

Me_iz_a_Bboy 0

As much as I like Metallica, unnecessary comment was unnecessary.

LOL let me guess, you listen to rap and hip hop, "Bboy"? And you have the nerve to insult Metallica? Let me also guess Rush can suck your s too. oh how I hate my generation for their taste (or lack there of) music.

how can you compare metallica to rush? rush is sooo bad, they are the Justin bieber of rock

Metallica really does suck. Rap, hip hop and 90s grunge is where it's at.

Rush has influenced many artists, including Metallica. They play an important role in rock history

Since when does your brother decide that your house is available for him? Isn't it the owner of the house who decides who moves in, hmm? Just say no.

mariluvs 0
CaityCatastrophy 0
Mikuru_101 0

Most definitly Emilie Autumn ^_^

CaityCatastrophy 0

It was of my boot. I messed up my ankle a while back.

_nathalia_ 0

Tell him he has 3 months to find a job and move out. Or deal with you dating or he can find a job and help with rent.

daaron 3

thank u girls well other ones are messed up he gets out of jail and wishes he's sister a good life picture it like this you won't be getting dumped they would be

Isn't there some one you can move in with right now?

At least you will know that anyone who does pursue you (and has to deal with your brother) must really care about you.

Haha my cousins say that to me to .. oh dear :

sammy92 0

I know the feeling! Iv never been on a date and I'm 18

If thats u in the pic then why have u not yet?

I'd get shot to **** her... or anyone else for that matter.

it's got to be a fake pic. Even if she's a crazy bitch, someone, like the above commenter, would want to **** her.