I'm bad at confrontation
By Trippy Penguin - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff
By Trippy Penguin - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff
YDI If you can't keep up with your stuff, you don't deserve to have it. Furthermore, why was it necessary to take off your glasses while in the bathroom? And how could you be sure the stranger had *your* glasses and not a similar pair of his own?
No there isn't.
when in doubt, always try... ...a flying armbar! i don't think you had any balls to begin with, actually. you should have just gone into the women's bathroom and left your glasses and your man card there for posterity. |the kid|
HOW does someone forget their glasses? I mean, weren't you walking around BLIND? Unless they were sunglasses, then nobody cares, and it's still your fault. But come on.. -_-
I'd be willing to bet that over half the people saying OP should have called him out wouldn't have said anything either. Just another one of the internet's design flaws: Makes weak people feel strong.
Well, they are right. He should have called him out. You can know the right course of action and not take it. Regardless, I think most people would call the guy out.
well have fun paying for another pair, op next time, grow a pair and speak up!
grow a pair pussy