And next on The Voice…

By Anonymous - 14/05/2019 22:00

Today, I found out I have a bad singing voice. How? The choir judge decided to yell "STOP! Please just stop!" During my solo. In front of everyone. During the show. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 984
You deserved it 264

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This choir judge needs to get fired from his or her job. I'm a director at a musical theatre company. Singing is not some magical skill you either have or you don't. You have to learn it, and I firmly believe anyone can. I've seen people go from quite literally not being able to sing a note to getting starring roles in musicals. They could do it because they worked their butts off and had directors that kept encouraging them. But here's the problem. If someone gets humiliated like OP did, they often don't bounce back. OP, if you're reading this, I implore you: keep singing! Find a new choir, one that will treat you with kindness and encourage you so that you can build up the skill I know you have in you. And remember to drop your jaw and breathe from your diaphragm.

Nervous? In all truthfulness, most people love singing, most people don't sound good. Parents, you're doing your child a disservice telling them they're good when they're not. Don't dance around the issue. Sorry OP, it sucks and its a hard hit. Worst case scenario your teacher is a stuck up ass and you're just not doing it the way they want. Keep on singing, just not..professionally.


Nervous? In all truthfulness, most people love singing, most people don't sound good. Parents, you're doing your child a disservice telling them they're good when they're not. Don't dance around the issue. Sorry OP, it sucks and its a hard hit. Worst case scenario your teacher is a stuck up ass and you're just not doing it the way they want. Keep on singing, just not..professionally.

This choir judge needs to get fired from his or her job. I'm a director at a musical theatre company. Singing is not some magical skill you either have or you don't. You have to learn it, and I firmly believe anyone can. I've seen people go from quite literally not being able to sing a note to getting starring roles in musicals. They could do it because they worked their butts off and had directors that kept encouraging them. But here's the problem. If someone gets humiliated like OP did, they often don't bounce back. OP, if you're reading this, I implore you: keep singing! Find a new choir, one that will treat you with kindness and encourage you so that you can build up the skill I know you have in you. And remember to drop your jaw and breathe from your diaphragm.

almost every famous singer there ever was was at least told by one person that they sucked but they kept up at it and look where they went

that is terrible! I am so sorry. go sing karaoke, and join more choirs in defiance. joy dictates the voice, not some choir judge who cant seem to relinquish the spotlight

This is one of those rare occasions where I'll agree, your life sucks. Why would the choir give you a solo if you weren't any good? Wait... Maybe a YDI will be on point, if YOU are in charge of the choir and chose yourself to be the solo?