I promise

By Numnum - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, it's decided, I'm going on diet. For real. But I said that yesterday. And the day before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 860
You deserved it 57 978

Top comments

dul_fml 2

This FML is from the United Kingdom. Fail more, #2

Yeah, 'cause there's only one country on the planet that has fat people. Dumbass.


WorkThatButt 2
mohamedrocks 0

Fat is beautiful.... No I'm lieing

hlfbloodprncess 0

The easiest way to lose weight is just to switch to bran flakes in the morning. I did it and lost 20lbs in a month, and kept it off.

Diets are stupid anyway! Try just eating healthy for 3 weeks and get into the habit and you'll never go back to being a fatty.

nyuu1234 0

who gives a crap ur fat deal with it bitch

Whoever moderated this sucks. And no, it's not a disease, it's either something thyroid problem (doubtful) or lack of willpower/low self esteem. For future reference, no one cares about your personal struggles, especially when they are boring as hell.

I don't pity these fat bastards, because this is an obvious lack of will power and discipline, guess what even the people that work out week in week out need to drag themselves to do it every now and then so quit your whining and get busy.