I promise

By Numnum - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, it's decided, I'm going on diet. For real. But I said that yesterday. And the day before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 860
You deserved it 57 978

Top comments

dul_fml 2

This FML is from the United Kingdom. Fail more, #2

Yeah, 'cause there's only one country on the planet that has fat people. Dumbass.


freetalklive 0

How did this make it through to FML??

mastory96 0

hah. the classic problem of americans. just hide all your food. it's really not that hard.

Yeah, 'cause there's only one country on the planet that has fat people. Dumbass.

dul_fml 2

This FML is from the United Kingdom. Fail more, #2

lolgirly7 0
DeathByFalchion 0

Try Weight Watchers. As diets go, that one's not so bad.

this is a ydi all the way. its jus like **** man

HearMeOut 0

Hahahaha. welcome to my life. no, seriously.

123sploosh 0

m e too!! and with the damn holidays and such.....godddd

as someone who was overweight (never obese) and is currently in very good physical health I can say that the biggest step of starting a diet is locating unhealthy food in inconvienient locations. back of the fridge. The next step is to cut out drinking alcohol more or less. Then you need to start working out 20-60 minutes a day. These small steps will make a huge difference.

erowlyn 0

I can understand what you mean I am going through the same thing god help us

Towelie_31 0

#12 quit asking god for help, quit being a fatass, and help yourself.

it just depends on whether or not you really want to lose weight. is it yes or no? your decision.

I like it just because I'm sure everyone has done this.