I promise

By Numnum - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, it's decided, I'm going on diet. For real. But I said that yesterday. And the day before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 860
You deserved it 57 978

Top comments

dul_fml 2

This FML is from the United Kingdom. Fail more, #2

Yeah, 'cause there's only one country on the planet that has fat people. Dumbass.


Also who moderated this piece of shit FML? Even the grammar fails: "I'm going a diet." Way to go man. -.-

OP, stop making excuses for yourself and lose some weight if you feel you need to. Posting this on fml won't help you lose any weight.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

get someone to hide all the cookies...I'll hide the cookies for you...

Hooray4Ponies 0

Yeah, I'm tired of people claiming their problems as a disease when it's just their fault. Not everything's a disease. Sometimes people do have thyroid conditions, but that is not common. (I knew a lady who had one and even she managed to not get fat. A little chubby but not fat.) Pretty much, it's your fault.

Haha see I diet before the holidays and give myself the week of the holidays as slack time. I eat what I want but limit my portions, like for thanksgiving, I limited myself to one plate and allowed myself to have some pie. Starting monday I'll go back to my primarily vegitarian diet. It's all about self control, just because your on a diet, doesn't mean you can't have cheat days. Just start by making your portions smaller, and you won't feel like your on a diet, and don't beat yourself up if you have one type of food that you cut out, because then you'll be tempted to say screw it all and overeat.

i hate the people who comment rudely on this post.. I know how hard it is and i feel your pain.. make sure u chose a diet that is achievable to you.. like if you love chocolate, cut down by half each day. if you life cheeseburgers, half your amount per week.. u can do it :D

It's an addiction, like alcoholism, and it is a disease. What she's saying is that willpower is failing her in this area of her life. Doesn't mean she's weak-willed, it means she has a problem and needs HELP. 12-step programs like OA are just one way to seek help, but at least it's free.

Darling_Cherry 5

How can you consider being fat a disease? Give me a break. I'm fat and I take full responsibility for every one of my fat rolls!

blazingman311 1

Being fat is certainly not a disease! Just cause you like food and are weak-willed. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER.

CyclonePsycho 1

*sigh* Not another whiny fat FML with matching posters who act like fat people are worse than rapists.

CyclonePsycho 1

Er, no offense OP. It's just that weight-related FMLs tend to bring out the worst in people. :