I recognize that voice

By Ratted - 10/10/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I secretly took a day off work, since I had to use up my vacation, and wanted a "me day." My wife called, and I was ready to pretend to be at work. Too bad the cat decided to come up behind me and meow loudly, alerting my wife that I was home. She's pissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 146
You deserved it 492

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why lie? Just tell your wife the truth.

The implied fact is that OP wanted a day off both from work and spouse. We all occasionally feel that way and for nothing wrong, just a chance to decompress. But telling your spouse that you want time to yourself is tricky at best.


Why lie? Just tell your wife the truth.

I don't get why you had to hide the fact you are using a vacation day.

The implied fact is that OP wanted a day off both from work and spouse. We all occasionally feel that way and for nothing wrong, just a chance to decompress. But telling your spouse that you want time to yourself is tricky at best.

I was with a group of guys and a friend of a friend told about his taking a vacation and going to the beach every day for a week while letting his wife think he was at work. It’s possible when you always use your cellphone to communicate… I thought at the time that if his wife ever found out that he took a whole week of “me time” at the beach that there would be problems.