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I want to smell feet

By Anonymous - 31/03/2015 05:56 - Asia/Pacific Region

Today, and pretty much every day, my co-worker takes off her shoes while working. The smell of her feet makes me dizzy. I don't know if she's oblivious to the fact that her feet stink, or she just doesn't care. It's affecting the quality of my work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 091
You deserved it 2 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surreptitiously spray her feet with fragrant disinfectant every time you walk past her. Soon she'll be smelling like Spring Flowers and Ocean Spray, and people will be begging her to walk around barefoot.

giantsfan2010 23

You should talk to her about it.


Surreptitiously spray her feet with fragrant disinfectant every time you walk past her. Soon she'll be smelling like Spring Flowers and Ocean Spray, and people will be begging her to walk around barefoot.

do you think she even confronted her about it? seems like a good starting point then this masterpiece idea

get one of the motion sensitive air fresheners and mount it on the floor so it sprays her feet everytime she walks by.

Or she might catch the hint that her feet smell

Some people are allergic to scents and fragrances and you might trigger their anaphylaxis...possibly someone who isn't woman who's feet smell. Best to ask or tell your boss...isn't their a dress code?

giantsfan2010 23

You should talk to her about it.

It would work though!.My neighbore used to come over every single day. He was helping me beat a video game. But his feet once smelt so bad, they stunk up my entire living room. I'm talking stench so bad I swear any plant he crossed shrivelled up and died. My dad yelled at him for stinking up the house (again). Dragged his ass to the front door. Told him he was banned from the house till he washed. OP, I suggest you should be a little more polite about it though. My neighbore never came back after that.

"Hey, could you please leave your shoes on at work? It's distracting." Don't have to mention the stinkiness unless necessary. Your coworker should take a hint.

have yoi told her about it? talking usually helps

I'm sure HR might have something to say to her. Unless you work somewhere where the employee handbook says something about he possibility of you being exposed to that, she should be told to put her damn shoes back on.

Octwo 16

Some people can't smell body odor, it's better to talk to her about it on the likely chance she doesn't know before running to management like a coward and embarrassing people because you're a twat.

Either way the situation is going to be extremely embarrassing for her.

netflixislife 15

Casually slip it into every conversation.

Ramos808 29

You should confront her, but be polite about it. Hope everything works out :)

That's terrible have you told her or your supervisor this?

There's no harm in saying something, just how you say it

She has probably gone nose blind to the smell of her feet. If you don't wanna say anything then try keeping air freshener in your work area.

Eau de toilette - maybe your colleague thinks it smells good, I suggest you have a sit down and possibly also invite your manager to the meeting Maybe get her to take her shoes off for your manager as well