
By CashChamp20 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a necklace from one of her guy friends. She loves it. It's a heart shaped necklace. She doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 933
You deserved it 7 040

Top comments

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Maybe she is so in love with you that she only sees the beauty of the necklace and not the possible implications from the guy friend.


There is a thin line here. Basically it comes down to whether she wears the necklace every day or not. If she does, she probably wants his nuts in her mouth.

I don't see a problem either. relax.. jealousy is not good for relationships

Tsk...Cant really help you there bud.

I don't either. Love isn't just for you and your partner. Now, if there's a lot of other stuff that insinuates he's IN LOVE with her on top of this okay yeah that's not great for him but if she's not reciprocating the feelings your good dude.

anonnymouse1812 7

Coming from the perspective i have where I’ve been cheated on with the guy “friends” that would be a major red flag and either he would go or i would coz im not getting cheated on again