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By Demitrius_T - 19/03/2021 07:01 - United Kingdom

Today, after noticing weight gain, I purchased an ab belt. Despite no gym for around a year now, I assumed I could easily sustain an advanced level workout and put the belt on maximum strength. The first shock catapulted me off my feet and smacked my head into the wall, leaving a noticeable dent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 294
You deserved it 1 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sady_Ct 37

Noticeable dent in what? Your head or the wall?

You know what you get when you ASSUME -- you make an ASS out of U and ME. You may have made an ass out of me, but at least I don't have a dent in my head!


You know what you get when you ASSUME -- you make an ASS out of U and ME. You may have made an ass out of me, but at least I don't have a dent in my head!

Sady_Ct 37

Noticeable dent in what? Your head or the wall?

I'm assuming his head. But, then again, we've discussed the perils of assuming.

You'd think starting out easy and working your way up would be common sense.

Oh well, who would have thought that after a year of no gym, the belt would have catapulted you like that?

DrSamba1 8

Was the dent in the wall or on your head? 🤣🤣🤣

And thus we learn the first lesson: Read The User Manual.