
By CashChamp20 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend got a necklace from one of her guy friends. She loves it. It's a heart shaped necklace. She doesn't see a problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 933
You deserved it 7 040

Top comments

sweetheartxoxo88 7

Maybe she is so in love with you that she only sees the beauty of the necklace and not the possible implications from the guy friend.


My guyfriends do stuff like that with me all the time........ I think it's because im the youngest girl, my boyfriend thinks its cuz most of my guy friends are my ex's........ all that matters is how ur girlfriend views it i guess, if she loves u she wont leave, but being paranoid might push her away.

Try not to be paranoid. Be confident in your relationship with her :)

bloodypanda 0

Throw it into the fireplace.

Aww, that sucks get her something bigger

fez667 0

play nice till he makes a big move like trying to kiss her or something then beat him down otherwise think nothing of it and be the better man

xxjbfmlxx 2

Dude, its just her friend. Its like a chick giving her dude friend a condom, it keeps him happy and entertained. If you have a problem with it, talk to her.

comw home from qork with lipstick on ur neck i dont see anything wrong either

I gave a heart-shaped piece of jewelry to a friend once. she said she liked it. Does that make us lesbians?