Indoors voice, always

By beavis - 23/05/2009 06:20 - United States

Today, my brother and I were standing at the baggage claim, waiting for our luggage to come out. We were commenting on all the bags that appeared, and when two large hiking packs came out I exclaimed "What kind of cunts go backpacking in New York?" The old couple standing next to us, apparently. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 616
You deserved it 87 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure there's more to New York than just the city part....

Ummmm yeah New York does have mountains in the northern part. Most of New York actually has amazing hiking spots so YDI for being so stupid!


alyssamarie218 0

HI. I live in New York. I go backpacking and hiking all the time here. Did you know there's mountains? and Lakes? and EVEN RIVERS. There's even waterfalls in soem parts! WHOA. moron. YDI.

bruff3 0

ummmmm maybe this was the return trip?!!?! you really just seem to be an ignorant brat!

dg72592_fml 0

wow everyone else said it best. you're retarded. i personally have no qualms with the word **** but i'm sure those poor elderly people did. ydi.

YOU IDIOT. Ever read "My Side of the Mountain"? Think Catskills!

SirJohn_fml 0

I'm a guy who swears like a sailor and I think that word is wicked rude. There's a shitload of mountains in New York anyway. YDI moron.

You're retarded!! Maybe they were backpacking somewhere else and just got home??? And yes, people backpack in big cities. Backpacking doesn't automatically mean they've got a tent and sleeping bag packed in it. Ever hear of people backpacking through Europe? Well people do it in NYC too...

ok first of all... ****? really? that word is used to describe like a ***** or just a disgusting girl or something... not someone who is misinformed or just stupid... you could have said "what kind of idiot" or something like that... so apparently you're too much of a dumbass to realize that you used that word in the wrong place... you're probly going through a phase where you think that one word is cool and, lemme guess... you say it every chance you get? not to worry... people like you typically mature. But i wouldn't get too excited seeing that you're old enough to claim your own luggage and and you're grown up enough to judge people by their luggage, yet you don't even know how to use this word. second of all... its your own ******* fault for being a dickface to someone... because of their LUGGAGE. what is wrong with you? that's just retarted. who calls someone a name because of their luggage? who does that? stupid

theres a lot more to new york than just the city, dumbass

ben26_fml 0