
By Anonymous - 02/01/2018 22:00 - United States - Lyons

Today, I found out that my girlfriend of almost four years was breaking up with me when she captioned an Instagram post saying, "Who else besides me is going into 2018 single?" I had already bought an engagement ring. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 313
You deserved it 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

manb91uk 22

You kept the receipt right? You could always film yourself getting the refund with Beyonce playing in the background. Use the money to buy a pool table instead - your balls will be played with more then than in a marriage anyway. On a serious note, sorry OP.

At least you knew before proposing. Sorry, OP, that sucks.


manb91uk 22

You kept the receipt right? You could always film yourself getting the refund with Beyonce playing in the background. Use the money to buy a pool table instead - your balls will be played with more then than in a marriage anyway. On a serious note, sorry OP.

At least you knew before proposing. Sorry, OP, that sucks.

Is she going to break up with you over Snapchat? Sure hope your next girl has the same ring size or it’s a simple return..

I really hope you had the presence of mind to immediately break up with her before she could do so to you.

This is why marriage should be planned and talked about. Never a surprise. The only thing that should be a surprise is how you do it. If you DID talk and plan, your ex gf is an ass on top of being a coward. As long as you have the box, you should still be able to return your ring. They have transaction histories in store, I'm sure.

But if the proposal was a surprise then the breakup has nothing to do with it...

The point is, had they talked about it, she'd have known that the proposal was coming. Or OP would have known she wasn't going to marry him.

Mungolikecandy 19

If she can break up with you by sending an indirect message on instagram then she is worthless. It is not something which helps but you dodged a bullet there.

Lobby_Bee 17

It's alright, the engagement ring won't go bad. You can use it to propose to another girl in the future.

Send her a message that says “Be careful with what you wish for”, along with a photo of you returning the ring.

Why do people nowadays think breaking up over social media/txt is okay? Especially when they've been together for almost 4 dodged a bullet op

...Um, I know I'm old as dirt, but the tax man and I thought "single" meant "not married". I considered myself "single" until after the ceremony, when I became "married." I considered myself "available" when I didn't have a steady beau, "unavailable" when I did, and "engaged" once hubby asked. But until "I pronounce you man and wife," I was "single."

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

wut? you have a bf/gf: you're not single you have a wife/husband: you're married you have neither of these: you're single