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By socialix - 19/04/2015 01:03 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, I poured my heart out to my girlfriend with a serenade. After I finished, she told me she'd come over to tell me she'd found someone else and wanted to break up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 729
You deserved it 3 427

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That may be music to yours in times to come If they cant see the value in staying with you then you are better off without them

tamannab97 23

Aww! I'm sorry op. If she wanted to break up with you, she should have done it before you sang. At least you know how she feels now, and you won't be stuck in a bad relationship! :(


Shes not worth it then op, even if she said she love you, if shes that type of person it saves you from the pain

#42, she doesn't have to be a bitch to break up, just because he sings a song doesn't mean there are no issues between them

#50, the op said that "she found someone else". It would be fine if she just broke up with him, but you don't find someone else first

"Is you is or is you ain't my baby?" *"Tom & Jerry" flashback!*

incoherentrmblr 21

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony...

It's easy to "find someone else" accidentally. She didn't say she did anything with him, it could be a friend she developed feelings for.

That may be music to yours in times to come If they cant see the value in staying with you then you are better off without them

I just think they need some "convincing". *cocks gun*

Funny how nobody realizes that you're joking.

It's not a joke if it actually happens frequently..

#54 - Meh, it's happened before. I recall getting like 100 downvotes over a joke, somebody goes, "You realize he's being sarcastic, right?", and it got entirely reversed over the next few hours. Dark and blunt humor can be taken the wrong way, no big deal.

People make jokes out of things that happen regularly. they wouldn't be funny if a joke was made out of something that you cannot relate to. People also use humor to make cope with serious subjects, such as shooting people.

Yeah no, death will never be funny. Don't be such assholes, there are plenty of things to joke about that don't involve something so morbid.

Who said anything about death? And nothing is off limits in comedy, you should know that.

Yeah you're right guns are like a giant hug.. Like I said, don't be an asshole, find something else to make fun of

Yeah **** her for not wanting to stay in a relationship and properly telling him directly and moving from a relationship that isn't working for both parties! The audacity of that harlot finding someone that makes her happy . Really though sucks op that you had your heart broken. It will all work out and it was a nice gesture even though it ended rather poorly. Good luck.

tamannab97 23

Aww! I'm sorry op. If she wanted to break up with you, she should have done it before you sang. At least you know how she feels now, and you won't be stuck in a bad relationship! :(

xKrisSmoove 21

Even though I feel bad for OP, we don't know if he had started talking before his girlfriend had a chance to say anything

Ya, part of me think that the girlfriend may have started talking and he interrupted her. I can't see the girlfriend going over and not having that be the first thing to come out of her mouth. You don't want to wait around and talk when you're breaking up with someone. Either way op didn't deserve it (that we know) but if he interrupted her first then that sucks. She should have stopped him from finishing the whole song in my opinion.

kissmeImawkward 17

I honestly think that she should've told you before you started to sing..You seem like a good guy and I'm sure you'll find someone better.Good luck with getting over her :)

Don't worry OP. You'll find a much better girl.

I guess you meant that she never deserved the OP. :)

Because it implies she didn't deserve him, yet all we know is she didn't want to be with him anymore. Who knows why, he could've been mistreating her or visa versa

Oh gosh, I feel the hurt all the way from here! I'm sorry OP! Hopefully you'll find someone new, but for now, take a bit of time to recover, dear.

**** you, you ho I don't want you back

The person will truly cherish is just someone you may not have met yet. She will come when the time is right (and probably when you're not ready for it).