Insult to injury

By Anonymous - 15/06/2009 18:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I had a horrible day at work, came home early and burst into tears as soon as I was in the door. I curled up on the sofa, still bawling, and my cat came over and jumped up for a cuddle. I gave her a hug and she threw up down my back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 078
You deserved it 4 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aww poor thing :'( I hope you feel better! at least your kitty tried! <:)

That must have been one strong hug. FYCL


Jennydew 0

Aww, poor kitty! I'm sure your cat didn't throw up on you on purpose, but yeah, that does suck and didn't make your already horrible day any better.

Lmao #5 xD And yeah, kitteh can haz da cheezburger =D

crappyday09 0

That sucks FYL hope ya feel better


The only thing to do in a situation like that is get revenge. You should go and vomit on your cat. Revenge is a dish best served warm and semi-digested.

meeeep 0

keel da kitty and buy a dog

You probably squeezed her too hard. :/