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By csgocockblock - 27/07/2016 17:26 - United States - Jenks

Today, when I got home from work I was pretty "in the mood" so I put on some cute undies and a tank top and went to get my boyfriends attention, he was so into his new computer game all I got was a half smile and a pat on the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 456
You deserved it 2 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What do you know? Contrary to popular belief, guys aren't in fact perpetually horny. Crazy, I know. But seriously, the sooner you stop taking this stuff personally, the happier your life will be.

I don't know why women expect us to stop what we are doing just because you're walking around half naked. We have other things we enjoy besides sex.


What do you know? Contrary to popular belief, guys aren't in fact perpetually horny. Crazy, I know. But seriously, the sooner you stop taking this stuff personally, the happier your life will be.

CliffyB03 28

I love you lol. I hate how so many women believe that. It's so annoying.

If he wasn't in the mood, that's fine, but not being in the mood doesn't make it okay for someone to just ignore their partner. There are kind, respectful ways get the idea across that "I'm in the middle of something, but I value you and would like to spend some time with you when I'm done", and a head pat is not one of them.

TMO2142 25

I wanna know what game it is.

I expect it's CS:GO, since that's what the username says.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive For those that can't abbreviate or use the Google Machine. Just a guess anyway based off the OP's choice for a name.

Probably csgo, that's what I get from op's username anyways

CS: GO isn't exactly a new game though!

DeadxManxWalking 27

Makes since because it's so much fun and obsessing

TMO2142 25

sorry guys i didnt see the username

To #27. Games don't have to be new, there has be be a replay ability factor, which csgo has

He was probably in a competitive match

I don't know why women expect us to stop what we are doing just because you're walking around half naked. We have other things we enjoy besides sex.

And to add to the fact that if the rolls were switched everyone would be saying the guy is just being horny and wanting to have sex because he's a guy, and being selfish for complaining that his GF didn't want to take part in it.

I don't know, personally if my husband went to all the effort of prancing around in sexy underwear to divert me from my computer, I'd probably consider him deserving of my attention.

Putting on sexy underwater and. Tank top does not take any effort.

Might not for you, not everyone has sexy underwear coming out of their ears though, some of us spend 99% of our time in boring old grey boxers.

I have zero sexy underwear, but it takes the same amount of effort to buy sexy underwear and put it on as it does to buy regular underwear and put it on.

Not where I live, sexy underwear requires a special shopping mission whereas bog standard stuff can be bought anywhere. Besides, you're completely ignoring the prancing, that takes buckets of effort.

Soulphur 6

please don't act like guys don't do this to girls all the time. I can't tell you how many times I've had an impromptu dick in my face courtesy of my boyfriend

Guys are pretty serious about their computer games and tv - guess youre lucky you got the pat on the head and half smile...if I did that to any guy Ive dated Id have been eating shit for days for interrupting

if your partner isn't in the mood, it's fair enough for him to turn you down. guys' sex drives aren't always as high as we think they are.

I completely agree but I was just bummed he barely talked to me all day because of a game, but it's okay and we're all good lol

He patted her on the head!!! A 'I'm not in the mood' is fine...he patted her on the head!

I know it's pretty much already been said, but if he's not in the mood, he's not in the mood. Plus, we can't just turn our sex drives on and off like a light switch. Put yourself in your boyfriend's position: if you were in the middle of a hobby (particularly part of it that is new to you and that you've been anticipating for quite a while), and he went to get your attention wearing, for example, nothing but a dickie-bow, what would you say?

I'm pretty sure most women wouldn't give him a pat on the head and instead acknowledge the fact that he tried.

Timing is everything. I'm sure there are plenty of times your boyfriend will be in the mood and you won't be. Try again later.

Undies and tank top might be a bit too little of indicator for some guys, I know I wouldn't get it.

Helldemon 32

To be fair, the pat on the head makes it sound like he knew and was kind of saying good effort? Otherwise those gestures seem a little odd to do, at least to me.

asm9296 3

Bet you didn't actually say you wanted sex though. I bet he was supposed to know just because you touched his shoulder or something.

Helldemon 32

To be fair, the pat on the head makes it sound like he knew and was kind of saying good effort?

That guy should get out more. CS has been around for at least 15 years. Killing scrubs is going to still be there later. The woman might not be. Could at least take care of her for a few minutes.

Sure. At least, assuming she's also willing to drop everything whenever her boyfriend wants sex.

If you think that it'll only take a few minutes to take care of her then you're right, she probably won't be around much longer. He wanted to dedicate his time to his game last night and tonight he can dedicate it to her. I would vote option 2 to be more fulfilling all around.

You can pull an all nighter sure, but if it takes longer than sitting out a few rounds of cs to give a woman a O or two you might want to brush up on technique.

Yeah all right, so let's just leave right in the middle of a game and be rude to all the other players on your team just because someone is horny.

Not many better reasons to. If its that tough of a choice just ditch the chick and buy a better rig with the money you're saving. Those few extra FPS from the new graphics card might make the difference. Might want to look deeper tho, your processor sounds messed up.

Daehahn 8

Well, you can't just abandon a CS match in the middle unless you want a competitive cool down

It isn't all about the ******. Sometimes it's better to slow down and have a bit more fun. Most girls prefer it not to be rushed. So maybe it is you that needs to brush up on your technique.

That's why you go back after you're done playing and finish what you started.