
By InconsiderateMuch - 16/06/2013 18:11 - Canada - High River

Today, my boyfriend bought another expensive bong to go with the one he bought last month, along with his new phone, airsoft gun, and various other things he's blown our money on this year. He's bought nothing to prepare for our son, though, who's due next month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 438
You deserved it 27 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honey. He obviously does not care about his son. I say leave him because you don't want someone like him raising your child.

I'm not going to lie, and I'll accept whatever thumbs down this gets. Both OP and her boyfriend are complete and utter irresponsible idiots for smoking pot with a baby on the way. You don't smoke or do drugs when pregnant. I don't know if OP smokes, but if her boyfriend does, then the baby is getting some too.


Leave him. If he's an ass now, he'll be an ass later.

Sounds like my fiancé's ex. They don't change.

You deserve it for letting him handle the finances

sugarbaby9908 20

You're supposed to buy those things AFTER living things are taken care of :)

did it ever occur to you idiots that he's spending money now bc after the baby is born he knows he'll never have money going to himself? I'm a girl and if I ever have a baby I'm going to do the same damn thing (minus the bong)

yeah great idea lets blow the money saved instead of getting the essentials for a baby, you are a ******* moron.

If you budget your money correctly in the first place and get a decent job fulfilling needs and wants should be fairly straightforward, but it's important to take care of the needs first (like baby stuff)

mmm not a moron.. most pregnant people have a thing called baby showers. so he might just think that they have everything they need. which is why he's spending money.

baby showers dont give you everything you need either, you will still need clothes, diapers, crib most likely and other things that probably wont come during a shower.

maybe its just my family bc everyone's broke for the expensive stuff. so my sisters got the cribs and clothes and diapers and bottles. my sister had the first kids and passed the cribs strollers and clothes down to my other sisters that had kids. plus they got extra from the baby showers.

my family goes all out for baby showers. I don't even attempt to think that they will cover everything, its stupid to think so. Also cribs can have recalls so for the love of all things good PLEASE do your research before accepting used cribs. And on that note: car seats expire after 5 years, or a car crash (minor or major... occupied or not) They are no longer safe after that time. If you blow ALL your money on yourself, you're not ready to have a kid. If you blow *some* money on yourself but still save up in case the baby gets sick... then I don't see a problem. the way the FML states it, he's doing nothing for the kid.

It seems your Dating a Babyboy I wonder Who will grow up Faster in becoming a Man your Son or your babyboy with beared :)

I think you should have considered what kind of father he would make before you let him pound that child into your tummy. It's too late now, you are spawning his seed. The apple don't fall too far from the tree.