By Anonymous - 09/03/2016 13:52 - Madagascar

Today, nearly six months later, my incompetent, lazy coworker still refuses to believe I didn't screw my way to the promotion both of us were competing for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 707
You deserved it 1 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It'd be funny if they actually did screw the boss and they're just mad that they didn't get the promotion.


Why assume it was a man? I mean you're probably right, just curious.

Dammit, I was about to comment that!

I don't think they were necessarily assuming it was a man. Male pronouns are just the standard when you don't know what to use

Well your not going to get anywhere if your lazy

Well there is one possible way. Just marry yourself into the family.

Least you are the one climbing the ladder

It'd be funny if they actually did screw the boss and they're just mad that they didn't get the promotion.

That made an ugly situation pretty funny.

Maybe he should look inward and find why he was passed for the promotion. It could lead him to improving and earning a promotion of his own.

InfiniteSecret 20

Why do you assume the Co worker is a male?

Why assume otherwise? An equal argument can be made for both sides unless otherwise stated by the OP.

strawberrydreams 18

He won't get promoted anywhere with that kind of attitude. FYL for working with such an asshole.

InfiniteSecret 20

Why do you assume the Co worker is a male?

People who lack motivation tend to blame others for their problems because it's easier than changing something about themselves. Don't worry about him too much, OP.

Yeah, this is his ego defending itself from having to consider why he might've been passed over for the promotion. Incidentally, that may also be part of WHY you got it instead, OP: if he deflects like this for six months, it's not a one-time incident. One of the most unappealing employees is than the person who thinks every issue is someone else's fault and treats their own mistakes accordingly.

InfiniteSecret 20

Why do you assume it is a guy?

andrmac 25

With that kind of gossip they my find themselves unemployed if the boss finds out.

CoffeeChickBlows 13

It's funny how a lot of people are just assuming the coworker's a guy.

Yeah, I noticed this too - it confused me and I just assumed everyone was reading something I'd missed. They definitely aren't necessarily male.

It's really sad that everyone is assuming the coworker is male... Nowhere in this FML did OP mention a "he." For all we know, the coworker is female. Would the replies still be the same?

I admit I assumed it was a guy at first, because I figured if the coworker thinks and accuses OP of getting the promotion due to an advantage like sleeping with the boss, then it must be an advantage he felt he was not able to have (due to being a 'he'). But you're right, maybe the coworker is a woman who is less attractive than OP, or/and is just really bitter and bitchy, or perhaps OP has a better relationship with the boss so she just assumed, etc...

hipposteve 21

Focus on the money, let him talk.