It hurts

By postop - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Far Rockaway

Today, I woke up to my mother telling me to sit up and get dressed because we had to go before it was too late. I had just woken up from surgery. She didn't want to be stuck in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf did she expect? You to get ready after surgery fyl op, some people can be idiots

From how bad your mother sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the reason you were in surgery in the first place...


I believe hospitals keep you in for a while after surgeries anyways so your body can heal. I doubt OP was released as soon as they woke up. I'm also pretty sure the mom should have known that, whether it's common knowledge, or staff tells you in the room. Either way, I hope OP stayed in the hospital for their own safety.

conholio33 28

If you have day surgery most times you go home same day once your awake

I just had sinus surgery on Tuesday, getting back up after surgery wasn't easy due to the massive headache I had. glad I wasn't rushed like op because I felt awful and waited around in post op for around an hour before I felt good enough to leave

Normally they keep you until you're able to pee the first time.

I had minor surgery once and I snapped awake half an hour after they finished and felt great and asked to go home right away and left 10 minutes later with no problems.

chill99 15

New York traffic is pretty bad, but seriously FYL, OP.

Hope the surgery went well though. I just had surgery myself the other day.

When they remove me a growth on my scalp, I had to go just after surgery (I wasn't asleep) with lots of blood in the hair and on the neck. I couldn't even take a shower.

What kind of hospital were you in???

ColonelCusswords 24
FMLusername969 21

And having an insensitive/selfish mother.

ColonelCusswords 24

Youre telling me things that id prefer over traffic

conholio33 28

So sorry op, i know the feeling of not feeling up to getting dressed after surgery. For my first (and hopfuly only) surgery it was day surgery and it took me almost 9 hours [post op] to be ready to go home. Again so sorry op that your mom didnt understand

Goblin182 26
countryb_cth 38

How did you manage to come up with that scenario? The FML clearly states that OP's mom woke her up after surgery and told her to hurry up and get dressed.

Maybe refresh her memory why you are there at the moment...go back to sleep and have her leave you behind until later

that sounds terrible! why she would rush you to get dressed when someone realizes that you need more recovery time from surgery? Major FML