It hurts

By postop - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Far Rockaway

Today, I woke up to my mother telling me to sit up and get dressed because we had to go before it was too late. I had just woken up from surgery. She didn't want to be stuck in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf did she expect? You to get ready after surgery fyl op, some people can be idiots

From how bad your mother sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the reason you were in surgery in the first place...


I'm assuming it's because the mother didn't want to be stuck in traffic and was willing to sacrifice her child's wellbeing to prevent that from happening, thus creating the idea that she has road rage. If she has road rage, she is likely an unsafe driver. If she drives unsafely, she could get into an accident. If OP was in the car, they could need surgery after the accident. It was a stretch of a joke.

Attacksloth 33

Well, on the bright side it sounds like you were able to get up despite just having surgery. I know when I had my gallbladder removed, I was an inpatient for 4 days because they weren't able to do the non-invasive pinhole surgery on me. Left the place with a big four inch incision on top of another incision scar I had from a previous abdominal surgery. If your dad is in the picture, tell him to talk to her. That's incredibly selfish, regardless of what kind of procedure it was.

595 people must of accidently pressed YDI.

Aren't you supposed to rest a bit in the hospital after a surgery... your mom is stupid

MonstreBelle 29

Good thing it wasn't up to your mom when you left. Hopefully you had a good post-op nurse that explained to your mom why you can't leave immediately after waking up and made your mom stay in the waiting room if she didn't stop.

After one of my surgeries, my parents were pushing me to hurry up and pee so we could go too. Our cat is diabetic and we had to get home by 6 to give her a shot. I've learned and now pretend I've gone pee so I can get home earlier. Your own bed is more comfy then the hospital one anyways, and it's easier to heal when your parent isn't staring at their watch the whole time.

Wow! That has to be one of the saddest comments I have read...

Nothing better than a mothers love...