It hurts

By postop - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Far Rockaway

Today, I woke up to my mother telling me to sit up and get dressed because we had to go before it was too late. I had just woken up from surgery. She didn't want to be stuck in traffic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 326
You deserved it 2 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wtf did she expect? You to get ready after surgery fyl op, some people can be idiots

From how bad your mother sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the reason you were in surgery in the first place...


johnfulcher90 12

makes sense, get your ass up and get in the car you spoiled ass crybaby

I was going to thumb you up for admitting you were wrong. Then I realized I was being too generous and thumbed you down. ******' idiot.

oh I'm so sorry, I accidentally pressed 'you deserve it'. I didn't mean it, sorry

Well that was considerate of her -_-...I hope they didn't discharge you immediately if it was something relatively major. She should have brought a book and a charger for her phone so she could pass time waiting for you to be ready. Heaven forbid she she has to deal with traffic =/

tomjay007 19

Feel better and get well soon. Traffic can be frustrating in some parts of NY nonetheless not an excuse for her

if you just woke up, you'll need a few hours to recover, so there will be not more traffic by then ^ ^ and it depends, they can keep you all the night and let you leave the morning just to be sure everything is okay ^ ^

Looks like we have another mother of the year candidate right here.

After having two broken ribs, a fracture to my first lumbar vertebrae, and reconstructive surgery on my ankle/foot from a bad car accident, I politely asked my dad to get me a glass of water, he rudely replied saying "no, get it yourself, you have two feet." This was the day after I got out of surgery. I know how you feel OP, I really do.. Sometimes people can be so selfish.