By life insurance for 1 - 30/05/2013 16:29 - United States - Encino
Same thing different taste
By beya - 31/08/2009 22:05 - Canada
By Anonymous - 02/11/2014 19:47 - Australia - Werribee
By sickmom - 21/01/2014 11:07 - United States - New Orleans
By I don't know, son - 16/11/2013 01:53 - Canada - Toronto
By Ishowet - 31/05/2017 12:00 - United States - Hialeah
By todaddy - 23/05/2014 19:32 - United Kingdom
By George Saunders - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - New Zealand - Auckland
By Viciousvixen_21 - 02/04/2011 07:35 - United States
By DrtySnchez - 18/08/2013 09:37 - United States - Statham
By mommyopps - 26/03/2016 02:14 - United States - Madison Lake
Top comments
I don't think he's old enough to really understand death... And how permanent it is
Or perhaps he does. It would make a good horror movie. The five year old from hell.
Well, he could understand it to a point, as in like an extremely long nap type way. And I would pay to see the 5 Year Old From Hell.
My boyfriend lost his sister a couple years back and his brother was 10 at the time and didn't fully understand it while she was sick.. He completely understood the intensity and how permanent it is after she passed.. Children don't.. Just explain to him as best as you can why he shouldn't do it.. And keep this story for his wedding day to embarrass him... If you make it to then ;)
What she said.... Unless he kills you before then
53, she said that too..
A lot of parents explain death as "going to a better place". Maybe he thought he was helping?
Sigh he knows that all you need to do is hit "x" and you respawn! Don't give the kid a hard time
But what if the kid is really a budding sociopath?? I'd get psychiatric consultation at the very least. /:
Old movie, but has anyone else here seen "The Omen"?
I understood death and its permanence at that age, and the child has clearly made the connection between suffocation and death. That suggests to me that he understands enough for this to be a genuine concern.
I agree. They tend to start young, and often for no apparent reason. They have recently discovered there is an actual physical difference in the brains of sociopaths. Not all of them turn into killers (in fact, many come from good homes with no past trauma), but all of them share these characteristics (in terms of brain function and such). OP, if you read this, there is an extremely interesting documentary called "Are You Good or Evil?" and it might be of interest if you have genuine concerns about your child.
#148 i think i've seen something very similar to what you're talking about, it was called "how evil are you?" Anyway, it said the same thing about how serial killers all have a similar part of their dna. Yet, not all people with it become serial killers, but many politicians have it, too. Kinda creepy. That documentary was incredible, though. I recommend it to everyone!!
I suggest locking your door at night
Is your child called Chucky by any chance OP?
... Or Stewie... DAMN YOU VILE WOMAN! DIE!
Locked door and gun under your pillow.
This is why Dexter before bedtime is a bad idea.
Maybe he doesn't understand the significance of "die" yet? He could just think it's a big sleep and be looking out for your rest! Or maybe you've been leaving soap operas on during his nap time and he's getting ideas... Hmm
If the kid was getting ideas from soap operas, it'd probably take three weeks to execute a murder plot...
But, OP was already sleeping. So your explanation wouldn't make any sense at all.
So did I
Ditto!? DracoSpirita uses PokéBall!
I could not help but to think about stewie from family guy lol
This is the reason why there is private message. To keep comments about the fml not the fat pooh bear
62 - Now that you caught a Ditto, ***** the shit out of it and make it give you eggs!
83 I was thinking more of Damian from the omen
Huh. Maybe you should take him to talk to someone about that; I wouldn't worry too much though. It's probably something he saw on tv or an imitation of what a friend did.
As in if he was playing a cops and robbers type game with his friends...
I don't think a Cops and Robbers game gets so serious that someone actually dies. Unless its played with real cops and real robbers.
His name isn't Jeffrey by chance is it?? Seems like you should address this. What's funny to you could be construed as problematic behavior by teachers or other adults...not to mention a little creepy!
I was seriously thinking the same thing! XD I'm sorry OP but your kid seems kinda scary. . Never underestimate children. O.e
yep taking him to therapy seems like good choice
The Shining so happens to be on right now haha
I see you, and dat code geass Gurl. =.= makes him a dull boy not a killer
First sleep walking, now sleep MURDER!

I suggest locking your door at night
I don't think he's old enough to really understand death... And how permanent it is