It is what it is
By Anonymous - 11/12/2020 19:57
By Anonymous - 11/12/2020 19:57
By Stupid Drunk - 22/12/2012 05:01 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/12/2024 15:00 - Germany
By Anonymous - 31/05/2022 10:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/02/2022 09:00 - United States - Las Vegas
By Anonymous - 30/03/2017 20:00
By KeEp.iT.A.SeCrEt - 17/04/2021 02:00
By Anonymous - 23/07/2024 02:00 - United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi
By Oraashi - 26/06/2012 17:18 - United Kingdom - Stoke-on-trent
By Anonymous - 30/08/2017 03:29 - United Kingdom
By drunkluv - 12/04/2011 02:58 - Australia
Just because she "can't forget" doesn't mean it a catastrophe. Alcohol got the best of you, it happens to just about everyone. I'd apologize for letting it happen, and say you respect her relationship and most importantly her friendship and if you could take it back you would. That you hope that you can move forward as friends because you would rather be a friend than nothing at all, but that you also understand if she needs a bit of a break if shes not comfortable.... but only if this is true. Calling her boyfriend anything negative just makes you look jealous and unreasonable. Keep in mind its easy to fall into "nice guy" category here so really try to think about how you proceede
Oddly enough it says "can forget" (which would mean the "ever" is weird.) Maybe this is a typo? I could care less (or is it couldn't?)
It'd be pretty terrible if OP turned around and said "I was drunk, your boyfriend isn't a douche, he's an okay guy", and said boyfriend was later revealed to be a domestic abuser or something. Oh, and "nice guys" are creeps. They expect to be blown by a woman if they hold a door open for her, then go full incel when she says no. This dude needed five years and a lot of booze to get the nerve to say anything, so I don't think he's going to flip any time soon.
move on to someone else, she has no desire for you. that "douche" obviously has something you don't that attracts her more.
She won't forget, the next time he treats her like shit, that she's got other options now. At the very least it will give her more confidence the next time he tells her that no one else would want her other than him.
Oddly enough it says "can forget" (which would mean the "ever" is weird.) Maybe this is a typo? I could care less (or is it couldn't?)