It means he cares

By Anonymous - 26/08/2021 23:01 - United States - Roselle

Today, I found out that my boyfriend jerked off more times than he called me when I was out of town for 4 days. Me: 0; porn: 2. FML
I agree, your life sucks 521
You deserved it 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

phybreawptic 13

1. Did you come home and quiz him about masturbation? 2. Your phone make outgoing calls?

Wow, twice in 4 days? Call the priest, your guy's a sex-crazed maniac!!! Or, you know, stop whining about his masturbatory habits when you're not even around, and be proactive in your relationship. And it was just 4 days, not 4 months.


Nikki 17

In fairness, you can jerk off much quicker than a phone call and it’s much more enjoyable

Yeah, never had my ear burning after jerking off!

phybreawptic 13

1. Did you come home and quiz him about masturbation? 2. Your phone make outgoing calls?

Wow, twice in 4 days? Call the priest, your guy's a sex-crazed maniac!!! Or, you know, stop whining about his masturbatory habits when you're not even around, and be proactive in your relationship. And it was just 4 days, not 4 months.

2deployments1divorce 11

Oh you two talk on the phone frequently when he is in town?

Either he's old or way under-reporting his wank stats.

Why were you out of town? He may have assumed you were doing your thing and didnt want to bother

And those are just the two times he's told you about. But hey, look at it this way, it's better he's doing that than sneaking around.