It's a doggy dog world

By RoommateWanted - 10/09/2013 21:02 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, my roommate unexpectedly came home with a new puppy. I'm severely allergic to dogs. When I reminded her of this, she explained that the puppy was her family now and if I didn't like it I should move out because blood is thicker than water. My roommate is my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 978
You deserved it 3 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Move out and see how she makes it paying for rent, herself and the puppy. Im sure it wont last long

Shes a royal bitch. Hopefully you live in an apartment and can throw her out or leave and have her deal with its mess. Or buy a cat.

I think this was her way of getting you to move out. Time to go.

life_sucks225 13

I hate people that put animals over the safety of some people. Its not inhumane to put the dog out, its a dog, it doesnt matter if its a puppy just keep it outside or in a seperate room.

heinous966 15

Bonds of blood are thicker than the water of the womb.

It sounds like your sister might be a massive idiot.

Gingerette 8

Personally, I miss subtle sarcasm. I sometimes don't get it, but I still like to see it. I like knowing that there are different types of humor on this site. Also, maybe thumbing down sarcasm excessively would make it easier to pick out. Everybody seems to like the thumbs down button, anyway.