It's a doggy dog world

By RoommateWanted - 10/09/2013 21:02 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, my roommate unexpectedly came home with a new puppy. I'm severely allergic to dogs. When I reminded her of this, she explained that the puppy was her family now and if I didn't like it I should move out because blood is thicker than water. My roommate is my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 978
You deserved it 3 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Cut her some slack. Her wussy is thicker and saggier than her foul mouth. That's why she needs something bigger. Hope you get my drift.

lolita88_fml 27

No actually, what drift is meant to be gotten?

martin8337 35

OP, I guess yor sister wanted you out in the wor as t way.

What? I think you wanted to say that the dimwitted sister needs a backhand to jostle her brain cells.

That's really a low blow. I love my pets, and yes I feel like they're part my family. But I wouldn't screw over my actual flesh and blood for a dog. Your sister has issues, you should take the imitative get out just so you don't catch the stupidity.

its actually, "The covenant of the blood is thicker than the water of the womb." Meaning, the bonds you make matter more than family. I guess she's right.

Is this the same girl from the skydiving ticket story?

Just move out and watch her try to pay the rent by herself

Looks like to me the sisterly love is now gone...

Tell her that syrup is thinker then blood so pancakes come before family

take it to the shelter and give it up for adoption while she's out...