It's a doggy dog world

By RoommateWanted - 10/09/2013 21:02 - United Kingdom - Glasgow

Today, my roommate unexpectedly came home with a new puppy. I'm severely allergic to dogs. When I reminded her of this, she explained that the puppy was her family now and if I didn't like it I should move out because blood is thicker than water. My roommate is my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 978
You deserved it 3 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I'd move out just to get away from the stupid. o.o;

I guess the sister doesn't realize that the new puppy can't help with the rent and utility payments. :P

The sarcasm was pretty obvious actually.. You guys are just goons.

DKjazz 20

Remind her of the meaning of the phrase "Blood is thicker than water".

lolita88_fml 27

That phrase has an entirely different meaning actually. Just type in that phrase and, it'll show you a cool explanation.

Blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.

DKjazz 20
lolita88_fml 27

Charge her for the allergy tests and treatments. Actually, depending on the allergy, it is possible to live in peace with the dog. I'm allergic to cats and have 2. The allergy wipes at the store do a decent job with OTC allergy meds. I will be adding shots soon. My others jot allergy is oak trees which my property is covered with. I know some allergies are more severe then others and these are not options for everyone.

I've been allergic to dogs my whole life and my family has 3. I went through two years worth of allergy shots just to be able to live without constant sniffling and sneezing. It does work, so consider this OP. I still think moving out and letting your sister pay rent on her own would be much better though.

Its suprising to me how people can be so selfish sometimes and in this case ur own sister,but looking at it frm ur sis's prespective i guess she always wanted a dog but could never get one because of that she is old enough to live alone she can finally get a dog that she always wanted

Yeah, bit she ISN'T living alone, that's the problem.

If Op's sister wants the dog then she should move out. I have had roommates who thought because they were adults they could do as they liked. One roommate brought in a ferret, which was against our "no pets allowed" policy. I was almost kicked out because of her. She ended up moving in with her boyfriend to keep it and I had to find a new roommate.

I find it more surprising that you'll take the time to spell out larger words then lazy out with 'u'. Regardless of her sister wanting a puppy or being an age where she may be legally an adult, that's a dick move.

What big words? You mean the adult words used to express a point

Altie 13

Blood is thicker than water, but water tastes better!

Guess you are sleeping in the dog house now

Nessuh95 7

Your sister is a dog. By your sisters definition.

sounds like she wanted you to move out, and that this was an easy way to do it. if that was the case she could've gone about that in a better way .