By Anonymous - 29/06/2014 22:28 - United States
Same thing different taste
By the un-loved child - 28/07/2013 22:34 - United States - Salida
Almost right
By Anonymous - 26/05/2021 06:01
No means no
By Anonymous - 22/08/2023 10:00
Classic Mom
By secret - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Ashford
By lindsey789 - 07/10/2010 04:21 - United States
By emancipate me - 15/05/2016 19:59 - United States - Knoxville
By kacysospacyy - 15/07/2011 18:23 - United States
By IHopeYourDogsGetDiarrheaAndPoopOnYourBed - 20/12/2011 11:49 - Mauritius
By Anonymous - 29/06/2010 18:53 - United States
Let 'em in
By sister_woes - 09/10/2010 06:36 - United States
Top comments

Still, you could've said woofbye to her.
oh I'm sure the dog would care.
did you really just say woofbye?
Should've said, "I'd love to, mother, but my 'sister' is a total bitch."
Like the dog would've understood... Still though, many people attach human-level emotions to pets, me included
Dogs actually do become accustomed to certain words such as sit, bye, etc. when ever I tell my dogs bye they jump up and try to block the door :)
Animals aren't people and it's weird when they act like they are
Animals arent people? Well, my girlfriend pushes me off my bed when we cuddle, my puppy puts his paws on my chest and pushes me off my bed when he lays up there and sprawls on the whole bed. I taught my dog how to give high fives. When he gets hugged, he hugs back.
A human is the centre of thier world and they have alot of free time over the years doing nothing, to watch and figure you out. Don't confuse a refusal to be obedient with stupidity. If some kind of effort isn't returned why would they obey. If they don't learn the words they learn to read the tone or body language or environmental cues in your routine. They spend thier life trying to alter thier natural and undesirable 'dog' behaviours in an attempt to fit into, communicate and survive in an outnumbered human environment.
You're 'sister' got owned... Literally
Not even a lick of affection four your sister
She's in the doghouse after the appawling lack of courtesy.
I believe #3 was refering to the amount of legs they're "sister" has?
# 27. *their
Stop over analyzing. Only OP's sister is allowed to be a bitch.
I'd call you mom a crazy cat lady, but sadly no cats are involved. Crazy dog lady just doesn't have the same ring to it...
#5 it all starts at one point. I'm sure that many years ago nobody had heard the "crazy cat lady" or any other now common expressions either. So I don't see why not the Crazy Dog Lady cannot be put to a good use in this instance... 'Jus sayin'.
29- that probably would have been a good comment until you wrote "just saying". we know youre "just saying," you just said it.
What a bitch...
How ridiculous.
Well, everybody has their thing I guess....
Throw her a bone, she's probably just lonely.
What a bitch, and I'm not talking about "the sister"

Like the dog would've understood... Still though, many people attach human-level emotions to pets, me included
did you really just say woofbye?