It's a doggy dog world

By BrokeCollegeStudent - 30/06/2017 18:00

Today, I got a call from my mom-in-law saying I have to buy my own food. I took 3 weeks off on unpaid vacation and came out of state to watch my in-laws' house and dog sit while they go out of country. I'm not allowed to touch their food, even the spoiling stuff. My husband doesn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 762
You deserved it 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

azouwa 26

Take the dog to a local "dog spa." Tell her you can't afford to watch a home and go without pay. Let her know where she will find the dog, and go back to work. That's cutting into your money.

Does she not want you to clean the house? rotted food would make the whole house stink! And why can't your husband join you? What will happen if *he* eats the food?


Do It anyway, and call them and ask if they were serious and let you hubby listen in.

bigtwobah 6

unplug the refrigerator and help it along since they wanna be assholes.

Wahhhht 2

DONT TOUCH THE FOOD!!! omg especially the spoiling ones. That is the perfect payback. Get yourself some amazing food. And take pictures eating these amazing meals and post them, all the while letting green fuzz grow on their leftovers in the fridge. Just the thought of them saying OMG WHAT IS THAT!! Priceless.

Jeezus. My mom says I should buy my own food when I housesit, but that's only because her and her husband are vegan health nuts and there is literally zero forms of snack food in the entire house. Usually I grab a bag of frozen burritos, maybe get some takeout.

TheLostCauseFML 40

That really sucks for you OP, but it's "Dog-eat-dog" I hope the situation gets better.

ProperPengTing 15

I would touch it anyway. If they get mad, remind them that they should either pay you to watch the dog or find a kennel to board their dog.

if you act like a doormat, that's how people will treat you. drop the dog off at the pound see how the bitch likes it.